Chapter 3 Is This What Love Feels Like?

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~~Kyoko POV~~

It had been 2 weeks since Kyoko had entered Hopes Peak academy and she didn't really like any of her classmates well except for one Makoto Naegi The Ultimate Lucky Student he's so optimistic and cheerful she had to stop myself from smiling so many times a few times she did let one through and he always said her smile was cute... when he said that Kyoko's heart fluttered... is this what love feels like?

Kyoko got up and left her dorm walking into the main hopes peak academy building she runs into Makoto.

Makoto: "Oh hey Kyoko!"

Kyoko: "Good to see you Makoto I don't feel like getting shouted at by Taka today so we should get to the class immediately."

Makoto: "Yeah sounds like a plan!"

Kyoko and Makoto walk to class together Hina shoots Makoto a look and Sayaka looks kind of annoyed and Junko is as always filled with despair Kyoko notices and begins to worry somebody will steal him from her wait why is she thinking about this.... She still doesn't know if he likes her...  Kyoko sits down and Makoto sits down next to her.

The teacher registers the class and they leave and go to Mathematics the first lesson of the day Kyoko looks at Makoto who looks really nervous probably because he has to sit next to Junko Kyoko Feels sorry for Makoto of cause she never lets it show she goes into the leson and takes her seat next to taka.

Teacher: "Algebra Test Tomorrow!"

Taka: "Yay!"

Everyone else: "NOO!!!"

The lesson goes by quickly everyone's revising algebra principles and dreading he test they have to do tomorrow Kyoko gets up and walks to her next class Japanese she plans to sit outside the classroom for the 15 minute break Makoto normally comes to talk to her during this time.

Makoto: "Hey Kyoko!"

Kyoko: "Hey Makoto..."

Makoto: "How's the day so far been?"

Kyoko: "You know not to bad I can deal with the test I just have to deduce the most likely answer If I'm unsure what The actual answer is.. What about you?"

Makoto: "Well I'm planning on just guessing all the answers I'm meant to be the Ultimate Lucky Student right....?"

Kyoko: "You are although I don't think that would work very well seeing you record of luck with Junko..."

Makoto: "Yeah... I suppose... She's being extra annoying recently.. But never mind nothing I can really do about it!"

The conversation was cut short by the bell signalling them to walk into the classroom so they do and take their seats Byakuya comes in and sits in his seat next to Kyoko he's quite mostly but if you try to do anything he screams at you but hey the first lesson he payed Kyoko to not talk to him and she didn't mind so she took the money and hasn't talked to him since. 

Teacher: "So in this Lesson...."

The lesson went by quickly they didn't do much just continued to read a book that was coincidently written by Toko It was called Lost Romance it was a story between a Boy who had a massive crush on a girl in high school but after they moved away only 5 years later did they meet again when the girl got a crush on him Its pretty boring and not at all Kyoko's type of book but its better than speaking exercises. The lesson comes to a close and Kyoko begins to make her way to science when she gets there she sees Makoto is ahead of her already in the classroom talking with Hina..

Makoto: "....I don't like her like that Hina We are just friends!"

Hina: "Yeah I'm sure! I have the perfect ship name to! You would be so cute together!"

Makoto: "No Hina! The others will be here soon shut up! I don't Like her like that!"

Kyoko walks into the classroom her thoughts a complete mess Makoto doesn't like her... so the feelings one sided... It hurts Kyoko in a way she's never been hurt before she decides to get on with the rest of her lessons Hiro comes in and sits in his seat next to Kyoko.

Teacher: "So today we are going to..."

The lesson goes by in a blur Kyoko thinks she heard taka screaming at one point but she cant really tell she was still trying to process they emotions in her head she goes down to the lunch hall and sits in the corner Makoto coming to join her.

Makoto: "You ok Kyoko You seem kind of down..."

Kyoko: "How could you tell I thought I was keeping my "Iron Mask" on strong.."

Makoto: "I could just kind of tell... its weird I don't know but are you ok Kyoko?"

Kyoko: "Makoto Its nothing to worry about..."

Makoto: "If you say so but I'm also here to talk you know.."

The two ate their lunches and talked a little more about their day before going of to Physical Education Kyoko is very tired by the end and decides to go back to her dorm to relax until she head a nock at her door se goes to see who it is.

Kyoko: "Hina?"

Hina: "Stay away from Makoto!"

Kyoko: "What..?"

Hina: "Operation Neazono Must not fail!"

Before she could comprehend what was going on Hina had disappeared she closed the door in total shock and confusion before falling asleep on her bed.

A/N sorry for the shorted chapter I wanted to leave you all on a cliff-hanger as always Criticism Support and Suggestions are appreciated in the comments thank you for reading!

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