✨ Rip ✨

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"shhhh" Zack shushed you and covered your mouth. You bit his hand and he gritted his teeth. "You look cute today" he smiled.
You grabbed his wrist and slowly took his hand from your mouth.
"What's up with you? Like.. you've been really cheerful lately.." You said confused.
"I don't know. I've just been in a good mood" He said rubbing his neck.
"Any reason? I mean you've only went out twice this week"
"Just said I didn't know" He sat on the bed.
"I think I know~" You teased.
"Oh really? I'm waiting" Zack smirked amused.
"It's because of me" You said climbing on his lap.
"I don't understand?"
"Well before you killed because it made you happy killing people who smiled, but now you can be happy without doing that right?" You grinned.
"I guess you're right about that" He smiled pulling you closer. "Maybe that is why? I don't fucking know. I feel weird"
"yea" He replied kissing your lips.
"I must be the reason! because what if I die or just leave!"
Zack's expression changed immediately
when you said that. He pushed you flat on the bed with him on top.
"If you died Ill kill everyone in my path and then myself. You're never leaving me" His eyes glimpsed red, "If you ever die i'll be the one to kill you, I promise you that"
"There's that aggressive Zack" You teased kissing him.
"You're ass got me all worked up now, dont say dumb shit like that" He sat up and grabbed the remote. "Which one is cartoons?"
"Umm, try 4"
He looked at you with eyes meaning help.
"Zack we went over this! 4 looks like a half cross!"
"I know I know!" He ended up pressing 7, which was the news channel.

The recent killer detective Saki has finally been put on trial. We are getting the results now for his murders. Some say he really didn't do it and some say he just went crazy.. what's that? oh we have the results!

"What the hell.." you said listening closely. Zack tried to change the channel but you took the remote.

Detective Saki who confessed to the murder of MeldVincoh and many more.. has been found.. NOT GUILTY! Wow I can't believe it! We knew he didn't do it!

"What the hell.. Not guilty?!" You said getting angry. "He killed Melv! He killed him!" You turned to Zack but he was unphased. "Zack!" You whined.
"What?" He said annoyed.
"This isn't fair!" You frowned.
"Life isn't fair, he's a cop. What'd ya fucking expect?"
"This is bad.. What if he finds us again!"
"We'll kill him" Zack ran his bandaged hands through your hair.
"He's gonna be a problem in the future" You pouted laying against him.
"Stop thinking about pointless shit like that, Melvs dead. That detective isn't coming after us and if he does i'll kill him damn"
"Zack I'm tired" You told him dozing off.
He mumbled something before you fell asleep on his chest. When you woke up it was dawn, which was the usual hour everyone got up. Zack was still sleep, so you were deciding whether to wake him up or not.
Maybe.. hehe
You kissed his bottom lip and he was still sleep. So you kissed him fully and he still was sleep. You grabbed his head and started to make out with him. He groaned and opened his eyes. You tried to move back but he grabbed your ass and kept the makeout session going. He bit your lip and you whined causing him to smirk. He finally pulled back and was amused.
"That hurt" You glared at him flustered.
"Oh i'm still not done, I want more princess~" He smirked.
Immediately you dipped out the room and down the stairs.
"HEY!" He yelled chasing you.
You laughed and ran down the corridor. You hid in a closet and heard Zack huff in frustration.
"This isn't fucking fair! You started it!" He yelled.
You giggled and was about to come out when you felt your socks were wet.
huh? what the..
It was dark in the closet so you couldn't really see.
Did a mop bucket spill or?
You flipped the switch and gasped.
"Found ya!" Zack said opening the door. You fell on top of him and looked at your bloody socks.
"Simon?!" You gasped shocked.
His white hair was not stained red and was spilling all over the floor. You felt your stomach churn and you clinged to Zack.
"Fuck.." He sighed frustrated.
"What happened?" The kid said coming down the hall.
"No! stay away!" You told him but he didn't listen.
"Oh no, who did this?"
"We don't know.." You said looking at Zack.
"Someone broke a rule!" The kid frowned.
That's right!

Rule one of the murder motel: killing fellow residents will result in your death.

"Wait until the headmaster finds out about this!" The kid said pulling out his sword.
"You said you don't have a name? We'll call you pain in the ass" Zack laughed.
"Ignore him, we'll call you Sike!"
"Woah! A name, i've never had one of those , Sike?" He smiled.
Zero, Sin, Matt, and Mari came walking down the hall.
"Oh shit!" Sin laughed.
"Oh no.. this isn't good" Zero said quietly.
"Ouuuu! Wait until headmaster finds out~" Mari grinned. "It was you! wasn't it Y/n!"
"I'm not a killer" You spat.
"You say that like it's a bad thing~ Well someone did it.."
"You act like their aren't more fucking people living here" Zack said standing up. He helped you up and 'Sike' swatted his hand with the sword.
"What the hell! You little brat! Get your ass over here!" Zack yelled rubbing his hand.
"You shouldn't cuss! Y/n is probably getting tired of your filthy mouth!"
Sin started bussing out laughing with Mari and Zack's eye twitched.
"You little!"
"Um.. sorry for interrupting but the dead body.. Simon is it?" Zero informed.
"Nobody ask you to speak circle!" Zack yelled.
"It's Zero.."
"Mari have you seen my glasses?" Matt asked her.
"Can y'all focus!! Simon is right there, a dead body!" You yelled frustrated.
"Temper Temper, Keep yelling and I just might have to make you scream~" Sin said with his eyes full of bloodlust.
"What did you just say?"

Chile- anyways so these folks bipolar. Ik they see the dead body, feels like among us.

Isaac Foster (Zack) x Reader 3!!Where stories live. Discover now