The play area

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"Shut up let's get ready!"
You and Zack walk out the bathroom and get ready. You get dressed in the clothes that The Reverend has prepared for you.

"What the hell is this shit?!" Zack complained about his tux.
"I think you clean up nice"
You smiled at him as your Red dress dazzled.
He scoffed and grabbed his new scythe.
"Fuck THAT, let's go eat. Follow me"
You followed Zack to the dining room where a big banquet of food was prepared. There was no Reverend Gray but before you could question it, Zack started hauling food in his mouth.

"You really are a dumbass!!!" You exclaimed. "Didn't we just talk about it could being poisoned."
"Stop your fucking whining! Starve then.."
You rolled your eyes and sat beside him looking at the buffet.
Corn, Green beans, Cornbread, Seafood, burgers.. anything you could name.
You threw your favorites on a plate and started scarfing down as well.

"Y/n and Young Zack.. I seen you two have ate without me" Gray walked in the room.
Both your plates were practically empty.
"Yea what's your fu-
"No matter" Gray cut Zack off.
"Do you want to know why you two are here?" he asked.
This intrigued you.

"Why?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Look around you.." Gray smirked.
You analyzed your surroundings. This room was very fancy.
Candle lit, fancy wall paper, and seemed expensive like your clothes.
"I assume you noticed the weapon room..?" Gray stood up after not taking a bite.
"What the hell are you talking about?!" Zack said frustrated. "You're always fucking talking in riddles.. pisses me off"
"Welcome.." Gray continued.
"Welcome to your new floor" He grinned sinisterly.
Your eyes widened and Zack stiffened.
"Hell no!!!" He picked up his scythed and swung it at the table. It folded in on itself and food went on the floor.
"Oh.. Yes.." Grey laughed.
"You're joking right? I thought the others died"
"They did.. of course there are so many angels in the would."
"You're a monster!" You spat.
"No more than you Young Y/n"
"You expect us to do as you say like a tool? I'll slice you right now!" Zack laughed and grinned.
"When was the last time you killed someone Isaac?"
Zack paused.

"Don't let him get to you!" You grabbed Zacks arm and he nodded.
"You will do as I say or end up a sacrifice!!" Reverend demanded
"Oh fuck you" Zack scoffed.

"I'll feed you and give you a home.. As your God, that is the most I can do for my angels.." He tapped his bible.
Suddenly smoke filled the room and you could hear him running through a door. You and Zack ran after him.
The reverend ran in an all too familiar elevator and it closed immediately.
You sprinted to it, trying to open it, but there was no buttons...


"No.. Not again.."

"Two angels have entered the bottom floor.. "The Sophisticated area"

"Zack.." You looked over at him.
He had a poker face.
"Y/n.." He looked into your eyes, his red ones sparking.
He kissed your lips passionately.
"I'll give you til the count of three~"

Hi! Sorry i've been gone.. I've really been going through it 😅
But i've been thinking about a face reveal! (Insta)
Zack trippin frl tho 🙄💗 I'm sad to say this is the end.. I've really enjoyed this.. honestly..

Thank y'all so much for everyone who's stayed.. I loved writing this final chapter.. Was so fun I loved it and all of you.. honestly 💗 I don't even know what to say..

I hope you enjoyed <3 - Author chan, aka Zack fosters WIFE MTF

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