Zero reasons to be worried

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"I'll run us a bath"

So here you are, Sitting in a bubble bath with Zack and he is staring at you hard as fuck. You're thinking of a way to get to the headmasters office by 7 pm which is in 1 hour.

Maybe I should sweet talk him?
Should I just tell him? nah.

You moved to the other side of the tub and laid on Zack's chest.
He twitched but didn't say anything.
"You're the best serial killer boyfriend you know that?" You smiled.
He scoffed embarrassed and looked away, "So what? Don't try to flatter me"
You began kissing his neck and he stopped you. "Let's get out before I get hard" He sighed.
You both got out the tub and dried off. You managed to make it the bed without falling while Zack was amused at your effort.
Once you made it in the bed, Zack wrapped his arms around.
"You're not leaving" He told you again.
"I knowww, how many times are you gonna say it!" You turned to face him and he was hiding his smile. "Awe.. Overprotective ass"
"Shut up and go to sleep!" He yelled annoyed.

30 minutes passed by and it was 6:30. Zack had fell asleep and you slowly loosened from his grip.

If he wakes up.. it's my funeral.

You slowly stood up and your legs hurt like hell.

How am I suppose to spin on a pole if I can barely walk!

You made your way out the door and closed it quietly.

If there's a god, please make sure Zack stays asleep the whole night.

You slowly turned and around and immediately gasped.
"Sike!" You whispered screamed.
The little kid was standing infront of your door.
"What are you doing? It's past curfew!" He asked suspicious.
"What are you doing!"
"I am patrolling! Breaking rules is bad!" He pointed the sword at your chest. "Bad!"
"Headmaster wanted me to go see him" You admitted.
"That's a little inappropriate dontcha think?"

Wow this kid has more sense than me.

"Well he told me too.."
"Fine go ahead, and why are you walking funny?" He asked confused.
You blushed, "No reason.." You thought for a second, "Sike, if Zack wakes up tell him.. that i'm eating in the cafeteria!"
"Is that what you're going to do?" He crossed his arms.
"Well lying is bad! I won't lie" He pointed the sword at you again.
"Fine! Be like that" You stuck you're tongue at him and Sike frowned. "Sorry.." you told him feeling bad.

Geez, he made me feel like a kid there..

You made it to the headmasters room and he was sitting at his desk.
"Hurry up and put it on"
You went to the bathroom and changed. When you came out he had a displeased look on his face.
"What's with the hickeys and bites? This is a serious matter.. You think it's time to get laid??" He judged angrily.
You just blushed and looked away.
He sighed and tapped on his desk indicating to sit on it. You did so and he pulled some medicine out his desk drawer.
"Take these.. the pain will go away" He left the room after saying so and when he came back he had makeup, which was the tone of your skin. "We're going to have to cover them up"
You reached out for the makeup but he didn't give it to you.
"I'll be doing it" He covered the ones on your neck and visible chest.
"I can do my thighs" You told him but he still refused.
You gulped as he started covering the marks. He made you nervous somehow and when he was finished he gave you a blank look.
"I guess I'll drive you.. actually I might get Zero too" You looked at him worried.
"Zero can keep a secret, he barely talks anyway" He texted someone on his phone and a few minutes later Zero came in the room dressed in purple.

"Zero can keep a secret, he barely talks anyway" He texted someone on his phone and a few minutes later Zero came in the room dressed in purple

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"It's 6:50.. so let's hurry" He demanded quietly.
You followed him to a black car and hopped in the passenger seat. The ride was getting awkward so you decided to speak.
"I didn't wanna do this you know.."
"I figured" He replied shortly.
"Why do you always wear layers, it's not cold?"
"I get cold easily, it's a long story" He told you.
"You don't seem like the killing type"
"Is that a compliment? Thank you" He smiled.
"What happened to your ear?"
"My father use to beat me and I think he stabbed my ear one time" He replied nonchalant.
"Oh.." You looked out the window not knowing what to say. "You're really quiet"
"I get that a lot, It's not that i'm shy.. I just speak when spoken too"

His father must've beat that into him..

"You're nice tho"
You looked at him surprised and he smiled at you. "I'll pick you up at 9 pm since headmaster only wants you working 2 hours tonight"
He parked behind the building but you didn't get out.
"Where are you going?" You asked him.
"I might get something to eat.. Or kill some old creepy guy, but i have to run an errand" He pulled out a sucker and put it in his mouth.
"But headmaster said this was an illegal strip club!" You reminded him.
"So what?"
"There's no telling what kind of things they do in here!" You frowned nervous thinking about all the perverted men.
"You accepted it, take responsibility"
"You're right, sorry.." You opened the car door but Zero stopped you.
"If you want me to stay for now I can, but i'll have to leave half way to finish a job"
"Really!" You smiled.
"You could've asked, I already said you're nice" Zero stepped out the car aswell and walked you through the back. When you walked in many women were getting dressed and doing make up. Zero covered his eyes and you led him to the main area.
"Finally! Is this the act for tonight? Lucii didn't over exaggerate then!" Said the owner.
"Over exaggerate?" You said confused.
"Nothing Nothing, go on out!"

Zack won't be that mad right?

Isaac Foster (Zack) x Reader 3!!Where stories live. Discover now