A scythe

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You watched as everyone went to Zeros car but Sin stopped and started walking towards you. That made Zack stop as well.
"Excuse me miss but I think you're my soulmate and you're the most beautiful woman i've ever seen" He bowed and gave you a white rose.
This immediately made you laugh.
"What's so funny? I'm being genuine" Sin laughed nervous.
You took the mask off and smirked, "I thought I was ugly?"
Sins eyes widened and he quietly got up and got in the car. Everyone else gasped beside Zack and Zero.
"Oh yea" You went up to Mari and punched the fuck outta her. Y'all started fighting and she pulled your hair. You pulled hers back and Zack was cheering you on. Zero came and pulled you off Mari and Matt picked her up.
"Anyone who has touched my sister has never survived" Matt told you angrily and pulled out a knife.


Zack immediately slashed open Matt's Stomach.
"That's some confidence you got there" Zack laughed.
"Y-You bastard" Matt coughed up blood.
"Chill out, You'll live. I didn't cut ya that deep did I?"

 I didn't cut ya that deep did I?"

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Zack looked up after laughing. Everyone was shocked as Matt was bleeding on the ground. Zero was still holding onto you and Zack stopped smiling. "You're next if you don't get your fucking hands off her"
Zero calmly let go of you and aided Matt. Almost coincidentally the headmaster pulled up in his car.
"Shit" Mari said wiping the blood from her nose.
"Someone want to explain this?" The headmaster stepped out the car. He saw you and Mari ruffed up and sighed.
"Is he dead?"
"Not yet" Zack gripped his scythe.
"Zero put him in your car, i'll pay to get it cleaned and take him to the infirmary  at the motel so linda can take care of him" Zero nodded. Him and Mari hauled him in the car and you heard Sin gasped as the door shut.
"Isaac, you're riding with them" Headmaster demanded.
"Don't tell me what to do" Zack scoffed and walked to the car.
The headmaster looked at you and you stiffened.
"Well? get in"
You got in the car with him.

That escalated so fast, I didn't get to say bye to Zack..

"Couldn't I had just rode with them since they know I work here now?" You asked him.
"The car seemed pretty crowded, you wouldn't want me to waste my time coming down here?" He tapped his finger and took a right.
"No sir"
It went silent which was pretty awkward.
"Did you find out who killed Simon?"
"Yea, it wasn't hard. The girl will be punished tomorrow night" He said bored.
"It was a girl??" You asked shocked.
"It was some kind of love thing I guess" The headmaster looked over at you and you gave him a confused look. He chuckled. "You never answered my question"
You froze.
"How do you know about Tylin.."
"HA! So I was right" He grinned.
"There's no way you can be him??" You scooted back.
"Do me and my brother look that much alike?"
"Brother?!" You exclaimed.
"Keen, Tylin, they're both my older brothers" He smiled.
You didn't know what to say.
"My parents hated me when I was born. When my they found my brothers body and when Keen was 'kidnapped' they had me by mistake. They named me luciifer out of spite and use to beat me"
"Why are you telling me this" You gritted your teeth.
He chuckled, "Did you know me and Keen have matching snake tattoos? We met up one day and he told me the whole story. He wasn't even mad I killed our parents"
"Again why are you telling me this"
"Because the reason our family turned out this way was your fault" He parked in front of the motel and looked at you.
"It wasn't my-
"You know it was"
"So what are you gonna do? Kill me?" The headmaster reached his hand out and pushed your hair back.
"No I don't care, I'm not a lunatic like my older brother. How is he?"
"I killed him"
The Headmaster paused and bursted out laughing which gave you chills.
"Really? It's about time! He talked about you a lot.. this is rich" He said wiping a tear. He got out the car and opened your door. "I like you Y/n, you're a good person probably. You don't have to work at that club anymore, I only did that to see how you would react"
"Gee thanks" You both walked inside.
"Man now i'm bored" He peered over at you. "I bet if I was born in place of my brother you would've like me better" He smirked.
"Who knows" You shrugged and walked upstairs. "All I know is that i'm never leaving Zack"
"Whatever" He waved and went back to his office.
You made it too your room and Zack was sitting on the edge of the bed frustrated. You were wondering why until you seen Sike spread out all over it. You laughed and changed into comfortable clothes before moving the kid over and climbing in. You were in the middle and Zack was on the left while Sike was on the right. You had realized how big the bed was and stretched out a bit.
Just as you were falling asleep you felt hands wrap around your waist.

The hell?

Atleast one of the children were kinda sane 💀

Isaac Foster (Zack) x Reader 3!!Where stories live. Discover now