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"But you're just so hot princess" He grinned and kissed your lips.
"Zack you bipolar bitch.."
He picked you up and threw you on the bed as you both laughed.
"What'd ya say?!"
He started biting your arm.
"You're so weird get off!" You laughed as he smirked. "What are you doing??"
"Atleast you're not crying anymore" He sighed. "I really almost lost it.."
*Knock Knock*

You and Zack looked at each other immediately.
"Ohh shit.." You cursed.
Those dead bodies in the living room weren't exactly a greeting someone would want to see when they first walk in.
"Fuck" Zack reached for his scythe only to find it wasn't there. "FUCK"
He yelled remembering his temper tantrum prior.
Zack grabbed the knife on the stand and dragged you behind him with the other.
"Who is it?" You spoke softly.

There was no reply.

You both stood there in silence and waited for something to happen.
After a few minutes you both relaxed and walked back to the back room.
"What the fuck was that"
"I don't know.."
"FUCK" Zack kicked over the lamp and it shattered. "Dumbass kids playing games, now I need a new fucking scythe"
"It's your own fault" You shrugged sitting on the bed.
"You don't think I know that?!" He yelled.
"We gotta get out of here, that knock wasn't promising at all" You sighed and stood up.
"We have a bed right there!! Do you not appreciate the place I found?" Zack gripped your shirt and lifted you up slightly. You rolled your eyes while looking to the side and his eye twitched.

"You need to watch how you talk to me" You pushed him and he stood shocked. "I let it slide because I was feeling guilty but you're not gonna treat me like this!"
Zack scowled as you went off on him.
"I don't give a rats ass if you're a serial killer! You're Isaac Foster to me and you're gonna treat me with respect"
You mumbled dumb bitch under your breath and Zack's body jerked.
"Whatever.." He clicked his tongue and looked to the side.

*Knock Knock*

You both froze.
Except this time you had a worser feeling.
"Tits on christ! This is getting annoying as fuck" Zack started heading towards the front door and your body reacted on it's own. You wrapped your arms around him from behind and he stood still.
You didn't know why but your body was trembling. Was it because of the dead bodies? Or maybe the argument you had with Zack?
Or maybe because the knock felt somewhat familiar..
"We need to go right now" You grabbed the bag and headed towards the window in the room.
"For what?!" Zack said annoyingly curious.
"Y/n who the fuc-


Zack stopped mid sentence as the sound of someone or.. something was throwing themself over and over at the locked front door.
"What the fuck.." Zack started backing away from the hall and towards you.
The window locked was stuck and you were frantically trying to open it.
Zack kicked the window which broke on impact. It was a funny sight but you couldn't laugh at the time.
It was at that moment you actually looked out the window and saw how high it was off the ground.
"W-What! We can't jump that.." You backed away.
You heard the front door starting to give in and for some reason you felt afraid.
Like something out of a horror movie.

"Come on Y/n! The hell you waiting for?" Zack urged. "Don't tell me you're scared?? I told you, you only need to be afraid of me!"
"We can't make that!"
"Would you rather wait for that sicko??"
"What you want us to jump to our death?!" You yelled. "Are you the one who's afraid??"
The front door started to squeak and it made you anxious.
"Princess, I'm sorry for the way i've been acting.. Trust me" Zack wrapped his arms around you in a warm embrace.
You sat on the window seal as Zack held you in position.
You wish you knew prior that the apartment was like  5 stories high.
Just as you were about to jump, the front door broke down abruptly and you heard fasting running.
Zack pushed you down along with himself and you both went falling.
You clung to his chest as he moved below you.
You hit the ground with a thud and the air got knocked out of Zack as you landed on him.
"Zack are you okay??" You asked concerned.
He groaned and caught his breathe. You saw his wounds opening up from earlier and helped his to his feet.
"Damn that hurt like hell.. I'm fine" He grabbed your hand and you both took off.
You looked back to see a figure peering down. You got goosebumps and the figure quickly stuck it's head back in the window.
"It's coming.." You alerted Zack and he cursed.
"We just can't catch a break can we princess?"

Not gonna cap, this chapter was so creepy to me

Isaac Foster (Zack) x Reader 3!!Where stories live. Discover now