Boiler ⚠️

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"By the way, where is Sike?" You asked everyone.
They all got quiet and looked away.
"Zack?" You looked at him and he looked away.
"Don't ask me, I was with you last night remember? I couldn't pick you up because I got held up.. Sorry.." Zero admitted.
You face palmed, For someone who's quiet.. he sure talks a lot when spoken too.
"What?!" Zack yelled.
"Matt! Where is he??" You ignored Zack.
"He was getting annoying so we locked him in that boiler room" He yawned braiding his sisters hair.
You got up abruptly and ran out the cafeteria to the boiler room. They all followed you.
"Don't open it! He's annoying" Mari told you.
You opened the door to see Sike freezing cold on the ground. You picked him up and laid him in your lap.
"What's wrong with you all! He's a child!" You scolded.
"Well he wouldn't let me leave, so I locked him up" Sin shrugged.
"Just so you can go to a stupid strip club! He's a kid who likes rules!"
"He's an annoying little shit" Zack scoffed, "Anyways what's this about you being with circle last night!!"
You ignored him and picked up Sike. You walked out the room and no one followed you.
"Sike are you awake?"
He sneezed and was burning up.
"Where's your room?"
"I don't have one" He said quietly.
"You don't have one?! Where do you sleep??"
"Headmaster said my rooms under maintenance, so I sleep in the game room" He sneezed.

Oh i'm gonna give that headmaster a piece of my mind..

You went back to your room and set the kid in you bed.
"Rest, i'm gonna go talk to him" As soon as you reached for the door knob, the door swung open with Zack on the other side.
"What the hell is this?!" Zack yelled looking at the kid. You pushed him outside and shut the door.
"He's staying with us until further notice" You told him sternly.
"You gotta be fucking kidding me? No!" He yelled.
"No? Then would you rather sleep in the boiler room?" You smiled.
He gave you an angry look, "Ugh! No!"
"Then be a good boy and play nice" You teased kissing him.
"Boy? I'm a grown ass man!" Zack grabbed your wrist. You placed your other hand on his chest.
"Besides, We might have a little kid in the future.. Who knows?" You giggled and turned to go to the headmasters office.
"W-Wait what?" Zack asked nervous.

You made your way to the headmasters office and busted through the door without knocking.
"I have a bone to pick with you!" You stated.
"What is that Metaphor? Don't you knock? Show your headmaster some respect" He had his feet up on the desk.
"Why doesn't Sike have a room?"
"The kid with the toy sword and bandages! Who looks malnourished by the way!"
"Oh him.." He acted as though he didn't care, "So you gave him a name? I said his room is under maintenance"
"We both know that's a lie!" You put your hand on your hip.
"Fine we'll get him a room if you're that persistent" He shrugged.
"Really great!"
He chuckled, "Only if you ask more nicely, groveling is an option"
"Groveling?!" You exclaimed shocked. The headmaster slowly got up from his seat and walked over to you. If felt like he was towering over you as he walked you against a wall. He put his right arm on the wall closing you in.
"Yes, groveling would be nice.. have you even started trying to figure out who killed Simon?" He asked you.
"No, that shouldn't be our responsibility" You looked up at him.
"I suppose you're right, that was irresponsible of me" You could feel his warm breath on you.
"This is little inappropriate headmaster" You confronted him.
"My apologies" He told you but he didn't move instead he leaned in and whispered in your ear.
"Have you ever.. heard of the name Tylin?"
"H-Huh?" The room went quiet and the atmosphere changed. You gulped and could feel him smirking.

*Knock Knock*
You both jumped as someone knocked on the door. The headmaster backed away and answer the door and it was Zero.
"Perfect timing Zero, I'm gonna need you to drive Y/n again tonight" Zero nodded and told the headmaster he needed to speak with him about something.
You left the room shaken and headed back to your own. When you went inside Zack was teaching Sike how to use a knife.
"If you grip it like this, it's easier to use" Zack told him.
"Like this?"
"No dipshit! I said like this"
"Aweee So cute!" You awed.
"C-Cute?!" Zack said shocked. "When did you get back? This ain't cute! I was just teaching the little shit stuff"
"I thought it was cute" You smirked placing your hand on his chest.
"Well I think you're cute" He smirked.
"Shut up" You blushed.
"You're more than cute.. You're sexy" He grinned.
"Stoppp" You turned away and he wrapped his bandaged hand around your waist.
"Sexy ass~"
"Ouch! What the hell!!"
The little kid had popped Zack's hand with the sword.
"She said stop you disrespectful band aid!" He scolded.
"Awee, you're so cute" You said hugging Sike.
"This little cock block!! You're hugging him?! Is this a joke!" Zack yelled.
"Cock block?" Sike asked curious.
"Don't use that language around him" You scolded.
"I'm getting in trouble? He almost sliced my fingers off!"
"You deserved it! Saying all those weird things and cussing" The little kid stated, "You're really pretty!"
"Awe thank you! You're so sweet"

"I'm getting in trouble? He almost sliced my fingers off!""You deserved it! Saying all those weird things and cussing" The little kid stated, "You're really pretty!""Awe thank you! You're so sweet"

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Zack just watched with an angry look on his face as you talked to Sike.
"Oh, I got the headmaster to get you a room" You smiled.
"So there is a god" Zack said happily.
"I really wanted to stay with you guys.." Sike frowned.
"You can stay with us until then!" You smiled.
"Princess, I need to talk to you alone!"

Zero just couldn't keep his mouth shut 😐

Isaac Foster (Zack) x Reader 3!!Where stories live. Discover now