New resident

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"Let's tire ourselves out~"
Zack pinned your arms above your head and kissed your neck.
You started giggling and he smirked against your skin.
"You want a kiss?" He asked you suspiciously.
"No" You lied.
He facial expression changed to an annoyed one, "No?!"
You kissed his cheek and his body got chills. "Are you still not use to affection Isaac~?"
"Shut up!" he told you. "That's a fucked up thing to say"
"Oops" You smiled.
"I know what affection is okay!" He stated still on the topic.
You just stared at him as he went on.
"Like when.. Dammit.. This old man gave me bread! It was stale as fuck tho.." He whispered the last part to himself, "That still counts as affection!"
You squinted your eyes at him and he sat up scoffing.
"I don't need affection anyway! I'm a grown man!" He sat on the edge of the bed rambling on about being a serial killer and not giving a fuck. You came up and hugged him from behind
which made his body stiffen.
"You show me affection everyday, and I show you affection Zack" You smiled.
He cringed, "That's some weird shit your saying"
"Fine" You threw your hands in the air and walked beside the door. "I'll just show another man my affection" Immediately you opened the door and ran out.
"GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" You heard Zack yell as he rushed after you.
You laughed and dipped a corner and Zack was catching up fast. You passed the closet you hid in last time and kept running. As soon as you were finna turn again you felt your hair get yanked. You yelled in pain as Zack pinned you to the wall with your back facing him.
"That hurt Zack" You almost laughed.
His eye twitched and his grip tightened on your wrist.
"Okay now that actually hurts" You winced and tried to move your arm but it was still pinned on your back.
"Don't make dumbass jokes like that again princess, got it?" He gritted his teeth.
"Yea I got it" You rolled your eyes and he span you around with your back on the wall. He gave you a genuine smile and it kinda freaked you out as he kissed you.

You both stood there looking at each other. You hadn't eaten a decent meal since.. Zack's cereal. You almost gagged but he picked you up and walked towards the cafeteria.
"Man i'm hungry as fuck but I don't wanna run into those annoying bastards.." He put you down after a few steps, "Can I eat you instead~?" he licked his lips.

" He put you down after a few steps, "Can I eat you instead~?" he licked his lips

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How did he manage to make it sound creepy..
You blushed, "Yea.."
He picked your chin up and licked your bottom lip, "Sounds fun~"
You started walking to the room with Zack who was excited. "Plus we have some cereal in the room"
You stopped dead in your tracks, "Cereal?"
You quickly dashed for the cafeteria.
"Wait up!"
You both walked in and you could smell the aroma of beef stew and your mouth began to drool.
"You don't make that face when you eat my food!" He yelled.
You ignored him and grabbed a plate. As you sat down and stuck a spoon full in your mouth, you moaned and had tears in your eyes.
Zack placed his hand on your head.
"That's seriously enough!" He yelled.
"Oh you're already eating?" Sin walked over with the rest of the idiots and sat down.
"Why the hell are you sitting by us!" Zack yelled.
You just stuck another spoonful in your mouth. "It's so good.. give me more~" You moaned and Zack got pissed off again.
"Keep fucking with me Y/n!"
"Oops" You smiled and clinged to his arm.
"Why don't you look at my food like that" He fake pouted.
"You don't even care!" You yelled.
"Hey Y/n" You turned to the sound of Zero calling your name. "Are you okay? I've noticed you have a lot of cuts and bruises.."
You looked at your body and noticed it too. Bruises on you wrist, a cut on your neck and thigh. Plus one down your stomach which they couldn't see.
"She's fine, mind your own fucking business Circle" Zack spat.
"Did something happen while you were gone? You can stay in my room if you're comfortable.." Zero told you concerned.
Zack reached across the table and gripped Zeros shirt, "Listen buddy, I said mind your fucking business before I kill you" Zero was unphased as usual.
"I'm fine" You told him and Zero rolled his eyes.

The headmaster suddenly bursted through the cafeteria doors cheerful. "We have a new resident!!! Introduce yourself!"

 "We have a new resident!!! Introduce yourself!"!!!

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She stayed silent and the headmaster laughed. "She's a little shy, I found her on the edge of the woods this morning"
You looked at Zack and he gave you a confused look.
You jumped behind him and the girl started walking towards you both.
"Where's your scythe?!?"
"In the fucking room!" Zack ran out.
"Don't leave me!!" You rushed after him and could hear the girl crawling on all fours.
You caught up to Zack and got behind him as he grabbed his scythe.
"Kill it!!"
"I'm trying dammit! I cant see the face it's making!"
"It's face?!? Forget it's face kill it!!"
Suddenly the girls hair went to the side.

"Kill it!!""I'm trying dammit! I cant see the face it's making!""It's face?!? Forget it's face kill it!!"Suddenly the girls hair went to the side

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"Creepy bitch!" Zack started swinging at the thing but missed. It kept dodging and started laughing.
"Zack stop messing around!!"
"I'm trying but the bitch won't stay still!" She started laughing and you clung to Zack.
"Yea.. let's just run"
He picked you up suddenly and was about to dash when we heard the girl scream in pain.
Zack turned and the headmaster had stabbed her in the back. The headmaster laughed.
"That was a joke doll"

I will beat this mtfs ass if he keeps playing with Y/n life

Isaac Foster (Zack) x Reader 3!!Where stories live. Discover now