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by Irina

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Basic info:
Full name ➣ Y/n Tawashi
Birthday ➣ October 21
Age ➣ 6 (intro.), 11 (arc i.), [more to come]
Clan ➣ Tawashi clan

Physical appearance:
Hair colour ➣ lavender
Hair types  ➣ long, [your hair type]
Eyes  ➣ amber
Skin ➣ [your skin type]
Height  ➣ [your height]

Personality traits ➣ Sweet, kind, loving, optimistic, a bit air-headed, dreamy, positive, hard-working, starry-eyed
Hogwarts House ➣ Hufflepuff
Personality Type ➣ ENFP (Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Prospecting)

Y/n's Character Song ➣ Orenji - Your Lie in April Ending 

Family & affiliations:
Village(s) ➣ Konohagakure (village hidden in the leaves), Kigakure (village hidden in the trees), Team Six
Father ➣ Kaito Tawashi
Mother ➣ Manami Tawashi
Sister(s) ➣ Konan Tawashi
Brother(s) ➣ Keigo Tawashi, Kiyoshi Tawashi
Team ➣ Team Six
Teammates ➣ Hideo Sokudo, Daisuke Yamanaka
Sensei ➣ Hajime Sokudo, Hayusa Haruki, Natame Nyoko, Jiraiya, Tsunade Senju

Skills & skills info:
Chakra type(s) ➣ wind
Kekkei genkai ➣ the Origami [more info below]
Able to use ➣ wind release, water release, fire release, earth release, yang release, medical ninjutsu, mental medical ninjutsu (mental ninjutsu), the Origami, more.

Naruto abilities:
Ninjutsu 7/10
Taijutsu ➣ 3/10
Genjutsu ➣ 1/10
Fuinjutsu ➣ 4/10
Jujutsu ➣ 0/10
Kenjutsu ➣ 1/10
Kinjutsu 3/10
Senjutsu 0/10
Bukijutsu 7/10
Shurikenjutsu 6/10
Nintaijutsu 1/10
Juinjutsu 3/10
Space-time ninjutsu 5/10
Medical ninjutsu 4/10
Mentaru medical ninjutsu ➣ 7/10
Kekkei genkai 7/10
Hiden jutsu 5/10
Dojutsu ➣ 0/10
Chakra control 6/10

Naruto shippuden abilities:
Ninjutsu ➣ 9/10
Taijutsu ➣ 7/10
Genjutsu ➣ 4/10
Fuinjutsu ➣ 7/10
Jujutsu ➣ 0/10
Kenjutsu ➣ 4/10
Kinjutsu ➣ 8/10
Senjutsu ➣ 8/10
Bukijutsu ➣ 9/10
Shurikenjutsu ➣ 9/10
Nintaijutsu ➣ 3/10
Juinjutsu ➣ 6/10
Space-time ninjutsu ➣ 8/10
Medical ninjutsu ➣ 9/10
Mentaru medical ninjutsu ➣ 10/10
Kekkei genkai ➣ 10/10
Hiden jutsu ➣ 9/10
Dojutsu ➣ 0/10
Chakra control ➣ 10/10

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Village ➣ Kigakure (village hidden in the trees)
Other clans in the village ➣ the Haruki clan, the Yogan family
Known for ➣ Origami kekkei genkai, medical ninjutsu techniques
Kage ➣ Kamikage
Status ➣ extinct

The Tawashi clan was an ancient shinobi clan that is on par with the Uzumaki clan. Like how the Senju had the Uzumaki, the Uchiha had the Tawashi and often married into each other's clans. Although they were quite strong, they were considered to be weaker than the Senju, Uchiha, and Uzumaki clans. In summary, they weren't powerful, but they had unique techniques and such. They were also considerately smaller than most clans. They specialized in medical ninjutsu and their paper-technique kekkei genkai, the Origami.

They originally lived in the village hidden in the trees, Kigakure, with two other minor clans. the Haruki clan and the Yogan family. The Haruki clan specialized in rehabilitation, helping shinobi recover physical and mental trauma through chakra checkpoint techniques. The Yogan family specialized in magma ninjutsu.

The Tawashi clan died out in time and the remaining members spread across nations, much like the Uzumaki clan. There are more Tawashi clan members out there than Uzumaki, though.

A famous remaining Tawashi family was attacked by Iwa and Kiri nin after they were revealed to have been living peacefully in the outskirts of where Kigakure used to be. They were originally a family of six, but the eldest daughter ran away. Manami, the mother of the family, turned herself into paper bombs using the Origami and committed suicide, taking down the Iwa and Kiri ninja with her and allowing her family to escape. The family's whereabouts are unknown.

Abilities/facts about their abilities:
➣ The Origami (kekkei genkai)
➣ The Tawashi clan does not have as much chakra as the Uzumaki clan, in fact, they have only a bit above average amounts.
➣ Even so, the Tawashi clan has far more superior chakra control. Due to this, many Tawashis were skilled medical ninja.
➣ Hiden techniques are usually associated with paper bombs.
➣ The Tawashi clan wasn't very feared due to their average said kekkei genkai. It is not hard to unlock the Origami, but mastering it is another story.

The Origami
➣ The Origami is the kekkei genkai of the Tawashi clan
➣ To unlock it, one must see the world in a way they've never before. The experience must be life-changing and somehow changes the user's mindset.
➣ It allows them to:
➣ Control paper
➣ Turn into paper (temporarily)
➣ Turn paper into weapons and other ninja tools
➣ Mould paper to their liking
➣ Use the paper as transportation
➣ All of this relies on chakra, but it doesn't take up much.
➣ The Origami can't be used continuously without breaks
➣ Since paper has many weaknesses, the kekkei genkai has many weaknesses
➣ Both water and fire can ruin the paper
➣ Wind can overpower paper's travel
➣ Rocks, dirt, and mud can stop paper easily
➣ Users of the kekkei genkai have to be strategic

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the idea of expanding konan's paper techniques into a kekkei genkai is mine, but the technique originally came from the owner of naruto!!! also, konan is aged down (along with nagato and yahiko), thus altering the timeline of when jiraiya trains them and such

paper hearts ➣ naruto various [+OCs] x readerWhere stories live. Discover now