➣ prologue

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by Irina

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RAIN FELL AGAINST the remaining of what used to be a beautiful home. Blood was splattered here and there, bodies lay about to decay. All that was left in the house were debris, ruined furniture, and a helpless child.

It sounded like beads falling and joining other beads on a string to create a bracelet. The intruders that were previously full of bloodlust laid to rest beneath the weather.

The blood splattered on the floor was slowly being washed away, turning into copper-coloured streams following a low land trail to the grass. Whose blood was it again? Why was their blood? Why couldn't she recall? She could only stare blankly at the blood splats on the walls.

So much blood . . . why?

The cloudy skies above were the only thing Y/n had in her sight. Her breathing was uneven and shallow as if she was struggling against a powerful tide. But she wasn't. She was only lying down. And that scared her. If she was struggling to do something so simple and basic to live, she was surely dying.

There's blood. A lot. Who does it belong to? Why is there so much --

B L O O D?!

Pain throbbed in her neck when she turned to see if her brothers were lying near her. They weren't. What she saw wasn't so nice. There was only more blood on the blown-up furniture and walls. The splintered ends of the chairs were nearly piercing her. The once shiny wooden floors were now damp and scratched. The blood made her head dizzy.

She was curled into a corner of the room, relatively far from where the explosion had originally occurred. Y/n didn't remember much, except that the explosion occurred after someone tried to usher her out of the mansion.

In a mansion. That's right, that's where she was. It was a homey mansion, with honey-coloured walls and marble floors. She remembers the place is home to her, a special place. Usually, instead of the holed walls and dirty floors, it was clean and tidy.

There was an attack. That's all that she could remember at the moment.

She remembers the glint of their headbands from the afternoon sun. They were Iwagakure and Kirikagure shinobi. A hoard of them stomped into the house midday with no proper plan. Even they looked a bit lost. Y/n didn't know why, but they all looked so angry when they began to slash weapons and attacks her parents.

Then an explosion went "boom".

Y/n tried to remember more -- she needed to remember more. Why was she here? What was she doing? Where is her family? When she tried to recall the moments beforehand, an aching pain hammered from inside her skull. It was a major migraine. Y/n shut her eyes and tried to ignore it, but it was constant. She grabbed her head with her hand and felt a thick liquid oozing from a wound on top of her head.

She was wounded. Y/n whimpered and retracted her hand when it stung as she touched the wound. She eased the headache by conjuring up a bit of chakra and performing a bit of medical-ninjutsu that her mother taught her. Y/n sighed in relief when the headache faded a bit. She was grateful for what her mother taught her, even if it was limited.

Wait . . . Okaa-san! Okaa-san was here!

The hope that was once blown away like a candle was lit up again, burning fiery. Y/n knew her mother was here, she just had to be here.

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