➣ flowers & friends

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by Irina

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AFTER KURENAI DROPPED Y/n off at the academy, Y/n anticipated the moment the bell rang for lunch so she could properly get acquainted with the two females she really wanted to be friends with.

She had analyzed the behaviour and personalities of the two from afar, wanting to befriend them with the right knowledge.

Yamanaka Ino was the leader-type, with a bold yet caring personality. Girls looked up to her for being ahead in the academy, which was all thanks to her training with her clan. The Yamanaka clan was pretty renowned, so it was only natural Ino was ahead. Ino always stood up to bullies, especially for Sakura. Ino also took on Sakura as some sort of apprentice. Y/n admired how brave and kind she was to others.

Haruno Sakura was the follower-type. She followed Ino around, hoping to learn how to be more like her. She was sweet and shy, but she lacked the confidence to become a kunoichi. Having come from a civilian family, Sakura had no prior knowledge of the shinobi world and its techniques. She was also picked on by the other girls since she was an easy target and was self-conscious of her forehead. Ino always stood up for her, though.

Y/n felt like she could fit in perfectly with them. Someone who needed her support and someone who gave devoted support? Perfect! Not to mention Y/n never had any female friends before. She only had her sister . . . and the topic of her sister was now taboo.


Where did you go?

The thoughts of her sister were subsided when Daisuke greeted her with a grin and called for her to sit down in her seat. The class was easy. Today they were learning about herbs and remedies for emergencies. They were told later on they'd be in the fields searching for some.

The class was pretty normal and it wasn't that hard, so Y/n folded origami cranes as Iruka went on about the shinobi world.

When the lunch bell rang, Y/n tossed her cranes aside and excitedly sprang up before she approached Ino and Sakura at the front of the room. Ino greeted her and the three of them went outside and sat on one of the benches as other kids did the same around them.

"I'm glad you said yes," Ino said in a happy tone. "Most of the girls here are sassy and mean,"

"I really want to make more friends," Y/n smiled. "And you guys look cool!"

"That's great, we want to be friends too!" Ino said.

Both Ino and Sakura had organized bentos, just as Y/n did. Yet, Y/n noticed how hers was particularly bigger than theirs. When Y/n opened hers, Ino and Sakura's eyes widened.

"Woah, you're gonna eat all of that?" Sakura asked, eyeing Y/n's tremendous lunch

Y/n laughed. "Of course! How am I supposed to be strong if I don't eat?"

"Well, it's great to eat, Y/n, but you also have to remember to eat healthily!" Ino advised. It was pretty obvious that Ino was the ideal girl at the academy at the moment. She had looks, smarts, and personality.

Y/n took her advice gratefully. "I will! Don't worry!"

Ino smiled. "Now that we've met properly, why don't we introduce ourselves? Hmm . . . why don't we all say our favourite colour, food, flower, thing to do, and anything else you want to say!" She proposed, wanting to get to know Y/n better.

"Okay!" Y/n agreed.

"Sure," Sakura said quietly.

Ino clapped her hands together and pushed her bento a bit further from her. "Great! I'll go first. My favourite colour is purple, I like to eat takoyaki, cosmos flowers are the prettiest flowers to me, and I love to garden with my mom or make bouquets! Okay, your turn Sakura!"

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