➣ the academy

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by Irina

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KONOHA WAS NICE. The village was hospitable yet a little too big with the rumours. It was only around a week since the Tawashi family was welcomed into the village. That didn't stop rumours and gossip to spread like an uncontrollable wildfire.

Some of the circulating rumours included that the family survived a mass explosion. Other rumours included that the family survived a plague from the village they lived near. Either way, none of the rumours were actually accurate.

Y/n paid no attention to the villager's stares at her though. She wanted to like Konoha. Her mother loved it, so Y/n would respect her late mother's beloved home. Speaking of her mother, Y/n had begun to realize how her life would have to move on without her. It stung, knowing that, but she wouldn't dwindle on negativity.

Lord Third, who she met the day after she arrived, was very welcoming and relaxed. He accepted them with open arms and told Y/n he had high hopes for her since she was to be enrolled in the academy.

Hiruzen Sarutobi was a kind-hearted old man who made Y/n feel like she could be apart of the village. He was one of the few who attempted to converse with her and made her feel like she was a real human, not a result of a rumour or tragedy. Asuma and Kakashi did too. They'd stop by often to drop off money from the Hokage and food. Y/n grew a liking to them and started calling them "Onii-chan". Asuma didn't mind and in fact, he started to call her "Imouto". Kakashi hadn't warmed up to her yet, but he didn't tell Y/n off when she called him "Onii-chan".

With the money that the Hokage provided, Kaito bought basic clothes and necessities for himself and his family. They didn't have to buy furniture since it was already provided with the estate. Y/n bought all that she needed for her first day at the academy. She was awfully excited, so Kaito allowed her to buy whatever she wanted, as long as it was reasonable.

When Y/n had to buy outfits, Kaito froze up and panicked since he was clueless about it. He asked Asuma to help him, but Asuma didn't know how either. The solution came when Asuma brought a friend (though it was clear they were more than friends) named Kurenai, a shinobi training to become a jounin, to help out.

Kurenai and Y/n had a fun time spending the day buying clothes all over the village. Kurenai had a good taste in fashion, which fascinated Y/n. Together, Y/n picked out cute outfits for the academy and normal days. Kaito thanked the kunoichi and urged her to visit sometimes.

After finally having all that she needed and having settled in, Y/n was ready for the academy! Her eagerness and joy practically radiated off of her. She had a cheeky smile and kept hopping up and down. She ran around the house doing everything quickly. She showered, dressed up, dried and styled her hair, and ate quickly.

Y/n wore the yellow outfit Kurenai helped her choose to her liking. It was a yellow, loose dress shirt that reached her mid-thighs. It had yellow loose short sleeves and hung around her body, not being tight in any way. She wore black spandex shorts that reached her mid-thigh as well. Y/n adored the outfit.

Kaito laughed as she sped through breakfast. He patted her head before handing her a bento wrapped in a cloth and a small pouch to carry her utensils. Y/n thanked her father and kissed her brothers goodbye before she met up with Kurenai on her porch. Kurenai volunteered to drop her off at the academy after Y/n asked her.

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