➣ cloudy skies

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by Irina

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IT FOLLOWED HER around like a ghost. The feeling of sorrow and grey nothings when there were grey clouds in the sky followed her. It was like some sort of traumatic event that lingered in her mind.

Shadows and the pitter-pattering of rain lurked in her nightmares and taunted her when the world went quiet. She wasn't sure what the feeling was, was it sadness? Fear? Confusion?

Y/n used to love cloudy skies. She used to love rain slowly begin to fall from grey skies as she watched from her comfortable windowsill. That was before she got stuck in a storm, mourning for her mother's death.

Rain and clouds were nice when you were indoors. It wasn't so nice outdoors.

Outdoors in the rain.

With bloody feet.

Now, Y/n was afraid of thunderstorms, cloudy, and rainy days. The sombre atmosphere was too gloomy. She didn't like it. She liked sunny, crisp days with morning air and tweeting birds. If it was dark and stormy, she'd get the same uneasy feeling in her chest as she did on that day.

Thunder clapped and misty, dull colours took over the day as Y/n was walking home from the academy. She didn't expect any of it, so she had to take cover somewhere. It would be weird if a vendor saw her hiding on their property, so she spotted a place with a cover and ran towards it.

It was all coming back to her, the darkest of days. It was swirling around in her mind like an overtaking whirlpool she was stuck in. It was drowning her.

Y/n cowered underneath the shade and pushed her knees to her chest, hugging them for comfort. Thunder clapped again and she jolted at the noise.

It was all too familiar.

Grey, overcast skies and the sound of beady raindrops. Sombre atmospheres. The eeriness of the calm. Deadly silence after a happy family dinner.

Y/n didn't like it.

The feeling of ashy water running down by her feet and the cold, piercing wind stabbing her wet skin was like a ghost. The uneasy feelings were following her and waiting to strike.

Y/n whimpered at the noise the came from up above.

Why is it so scary? Why am I scared?

Her questions were left unanswered by words, only the racket caused by the weather answered her.

She was usually fearless, accepting challenges like they were nothing. Yet, she was still very young and had her own fear.

Y/n's legs and arms trembled as she held back her tears.

This is nothing! It's just a bit of thunder and rain!

Even her own optimistic thoughts couldn't help her. The showers drowned out the noise from, the village, making it seem like she was all alone.

Alone. In the rain.

This was a familiar scene.

Am I really going to cry in the rain again? Y/n thought to herself with shut eyes.

A crash of thunder echoed, startling Y/n again. She yelped and hugged herself tighter.

She was alone in the rain again, and it was scaring her.

"Help me . . . please, anyone," She muttered, still facing downwards. "I don't like the rain . . . it's scary, I don't like it!"

I hate rain! I hate it! I hate it! It's always scaring me! It always comes at bad times! I hate it!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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