➣ a ball of sunshine

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by Irina

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CELESTIAL BODIES WERE the best things to ever exist in the world. That's what Y/n believed. The sun, the moon, the stars. Galaxies, supernovas, asteroids. All of them were magnificent. She yearned to see them properly, up close. She wanted to study them and fall into a void of interest that harboured since she was a child.

Not once did she ever think she'd see the sun so close. It was right in front of her. She lived near the sun, she could talk to the sun, she could touch the sun.

Well, it wasn't really the sun.

Uzumaki Naruto, a boy that was the embodiment of the sun. He had bright yellow hair, a warm aura, and a twinkling smile. He was the human version of the beautiful star.

Y/n thought he was adorable. She admired him from afar, never being able to approach him. When she couldn't build up the courage to talk to him, she was confused. Y/n was always bubbly and brave, immediately introducing herself to anyone she'd meet. Yet, she felt nervous when it came to Naruto.

She wanted to befriend him just as she easily did with Ino, Sakura, Daisuke, and Hideo. She even befriended Kiba and Shino without a problem. Even the shy beauty Hinata introduced herself to Y/n personally. But as she approached the Uzumaki after school ended, she felt her heart beating faster and her palms get sweaty. She was feeling the same butterflies that flew around in her belly on the first day of school.

He was sitting at his desk, getting ready to leave while everyone else shuffled out of the classroom. He had a determined look on his face.

Y/n sauntered over to him with a grin, her hair flowing up and down as she made airy steps towards him. She stopped beside his desk with her hands behind her back.

Naruto slowly looked up to the figure beside him and made eye contact with Y/n. Huh? It's the new girl . . . Washi? I don't remember! A blush appeared on his face as he stuttered. "Uh, h-hi! Uh . . . um, w-what do you want?"

"Hi! You're Uzumaki Naruto, right?" Y/n asked.

Naruto confirmed by nodding slowly. She knows my name!

"Great! I'm Tawashi Y/n!" Y/n grabbed his hand and shook it. Haha, success! I talked to him! Finally!

A pretty girl . . . is talking to me! I heard Kiba and Daisuke talking about how nice she is . . . she must be cool! Naruto inwardly panicked. "So, uh, what do you want?" He asked, scratching his head.

It was only natural he was awkward since Naruto never really came in contact with many. Most of the village looked down at him or ignored him, including the academy kids. Well, Choji and Shikamaru were an exception.

Y/n, who felt her palms getting sweaty with every second, gulped. Wait, why am I so nervous? It was so easy to approach Sasuke! Why am I scared? Whatever, I got this! Just ask Naruto-kun to eat some early dinner with you and then you can befriend him!

Naruto innocently blinked at her with his blue eyes, which was a heart-melting scene.

"Oh! I wanted to ask if you wanted to eat with me!" Y/n smiled and leaned her head to the side.

"Hah? Eat? Now?" Naruto repeated, furrowing his brows. "Why?"

"Well, I'm hungry!" Y/n laughed, telling the truth. She interlocked her hands behind her back and swayed on her feet. "Plus, I thought you were cool. So . . . "

paper hearts ➣ naruto various [+OCs] x readerWhere stories live. Discover now