➣ the uchiha & hyuga

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by Irina

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CLANS WERE PRETTY fascinating. Each one had their bloodline traits, whether it be of power or personality. Every clan was different. Every clan was unique.

Y/n grew up learning all about her clan, the infamous Tawashi clan of the Hidden Tree Village. She grew up listening to stories of how honourably her ancestors fought and how amazing her grandparents were. She loved to learn about their kekkei genkai and techniques.

In the Hidden Leaf Village, there were many incredible clans she heard of. She knew the Aburame clan worked with insects that lived with their host beneath their skin. She also knew the Yamanaka clan and its powerful mind-transfer jutsus.

There were two clans with special kekkei genkai she was thoroughly impressed by. The Hyuga clan with its all-seeing byakugan and the Uchiha clan with its copying sharingan. Both were no joke. Shinobi all around the world have heard of both of them, giving Konoha a powerful name.

Y/n was wowed when she looked into Hyuga Hinata's eyes during lunchtime. They were a beautiful light lilac with no pupils. She looked into Uchiha Sasuke's eyes as well but was disappointed to know he hadn't unlocked his yet. Well, who was she to say so? She hadn't even unlocked the Origami yet. She wanted to see the sharingan in battle one day.

So she was thrilled to know she and her family were invited to the Uchiha compound to meet the main family. Kaito told her that he and Manami knew them before, they were close friends before they moved out of the village and retired from being shinobi.

Y/n always wanted to meet her mother's friends. She met them before when she was a baby, but that doesn't count. She doesn't remember any of it.

So as they walked up to the estate of the main family in the Uchiha compound, Y/n kept an answering smile on her cute face as she kept her emerald green skirt and white shirt unwrinkled. She waved happily to all the Uchiha who greeted her and her family.

Kaito smiled adoringly as he watched his daughter get all excited to meet new people. He looked at his sons and saw how gloomy they looked compared to their sister and frowned. "Hey, what's wrong Keigo, Kiyoshi?"

Kiyoshi, who was in a stroller, blew a raspberry and pouted. Keigo, from beside his father, frowned.

"Why do we have to go? I want to take a nap!" Keigo whined, crossing his arms.

They were already walking up to the door, so Kaito sighed. "We're already here, Kei. Why don't you sit down with me while I speak with them? You can nap on my lap, how's that?"

Keigo's eyes lit up. "Okay!"

Kaito let Y/n knock on the door. When it opened, it revealed a pretty woman with black hair and onyx eyes. The woman smiled right away and opened the door wider.

"Kai!" She said, giving him a small hug.

"Mikoto," He laughed and returned the hug.

Mikoto looked down to see Keigo and Y/n, along with Kiyoshi (who wasn't paying attention). "Oh! You must be Y/n, Keigo, and Kiyoshi! My, you're all so adorable!" Mikoto patted Keigo's head and ruffled Y/n's hair.

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