Chapter 13

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"No sign of Mom upstairs." said Tony coming down the stairs. Tony decided to check for his mother upstairs while Ruby made sure she wasn't in the basement. "TONY!" screamed Ruby running up from the basement. "Ruby, Ruby darling, what's wrong?!" asked Elizabeth frantically running over to her daughter along with Von. "They're gone!" cried Ruby. "Whose gone, dear?" asked Elizabeth. "Uncle Fredrick, Aunt Freda, Rudolph, Anna, and Gregory! Their not in the basement!" said Ruby. "WHAT!? Where are they!?" asked Tony. "I don't know!" said Ruby. "Children, children, calm down. They couldn't have gone far. Perhaps they went out to feed." said Von calmly. "Ruby, why on earth were your aunt and uncle in the cellar?" asked Elizabeth. "Uncle Fredrick was badly hurt by a mean and nasty man who wanted to try and take the stone from me but I refused to let him have it." said Ruby. "A hunter? Ruby did he hurt you?!" asked Von clearly fearful. "Uh huh! Tony and Uncle Fredrick wouldn't let him near me!" said Ruby shaking her head. "Not to mention you knocked him out COLD with that shovel!" said Tony with a grin. "And when I scared him so bad he hit his head!" said Ruby beaming proudly. "Oh Ruby, you shouldn't have had to have faced that hunter all on your own." said Elizabeth gently. "I wasn't scared. I had my big brother to protect me!" said Ruby hugging Tony. "I think YOUR the older sibling, Ruby, you've gotta be over three hundred years old after all." said Tony. "Three hundred and two to be precise." said Elizabeth. "Ah yes. One day your celebrating your child getting her fangs and the next your torn away from her do to cold hearted mortals." sighed Von sadly. "Ah yes, such a wonderful day that was. Ruby was an early fanger you know according to her father." said Elizabeth. "I don't have my fangs out though." said Ruby with a frown. "Don't be worried dear, once you've had your first taste of blood, they'll come out and stay out." said Von with a smile. "Better not be my blood! I may be her adopted brother but I'd like my blood to stay where it is dude!" said Tony holding up his hands and taking a few steps back. "Aw! But you always let me bite you during our vampire game!" whined Ruby. "Yeah, with PAPER fangs and KETCHUP for blood." said Tony. "Meanie!" pouted Ruby crossing her arms with a pout. "Sorry, Ruby, birthday or no birthday I'm keeping ALL my blood!" said Tony. Both Von and Elizabeth seemed to freeze just as the front door opened. "Whelp, we searched the ENTIRE cemetery and STILL no sign of Ruby and Tony!" came Bob's voice. "Whose that?" whispered Elizabeth holding onto Von fearfully and pulled her daughter close. "It's my Dad. And it sounds like my Mom was with him." said Tony. "We'd better go see them. And don't worry, they won't hurt you! But just in case, don't come out until Tony and I tell you to." said Ruby. Von and Elizabeth seemed to look at each other in worry but they nodded in agreement. Tony gently took Ruby's hand and lead her towards the front door where Tony's parents were with Ruby's Aunt, Uncle, and cousins. Anna was the first to see them. "Tony, Ruby, dearest cousin you're alright!" she cried happily catching everyone else's attention. "Oh my god, Tony, Ruby, where the hell have you two been!?" cried Dottie running over and hugging her children. "You made us worried sick! What were you two thinking running away at work like that!?" scolded Bob. "Um....going to the cliff to watch the comet?" asked Tony nervously. "You what!?" yelled Fredrick making Ruby hide behind Tony. Her uncle looked MAD. "Tony Thompson, we told you we were going to watch that as a FAMILY! Furthermore you and your sister could've gotten severely hurt or worse!" said Dottie. "You mean to tell me we could've gone to the cliff this whole time and you both wasted it meaning we're stuck with this CURSE for another three HUNDRED years!" yelled Gregory roughly grabbing Ruby making her cry out. "Stop it! You're hurting me!" cried Ruby. "Gregory you leave her alone!" yelled Rudolph trying to pry his brother off is cousin. "Why should I!? This is all Uncle Von's fault! If he hadn't had had Ruby we wouldn't be in this mess!" yelled Gregory. "Enough, Gregory!" All five vampires froze at the familiar voice and turned in the direction they heard it with stunned expressions. "It cannot be..." whispered Fredrick in shock. "Who is that and what is he doing in my house?" asked Bob. "Von...Von is that really you? Truly? Or is this a mere trick to make me believe you are truly here." said Freda gliding over and touching her brother's face. "No, Freda, this is no trick. I am here. Alive and well." said Von. "But how? We lost contact with you over three hundred years ago. Freda even said you were killed." said Fredrick. "I was. But thanks to Ruby I am once again reunited with my family." said Von smiling at his daughter. "OK, someone care to explain what's going on here!?" asked Bob. "We might want to sit down for this one, Dad." said Tony. 

2 hours later.....

"Alright....let me see if I understand this. Ruby and here biological family are vampires....." began Bob. "Ruby is a half blooded vampire. I had conceived her back when I was still mortal." corrected Elizabeth. ", Ruby's necklace which was left behind by you guys....." Bob gestured to Von and Elizabeth before continuing. "Has the power to turn vampires back into humans when paired up with this special comet Tony and Ruby mentioned but it only shows up every three hundred years. However under certain conditions, like a birthday, the wearer can wish for whatever they desire?" asked Bob. "And you both were giving Ruby hints where to find her because you knew tonight was the night she could wish you both back from the dead?" asked Dottie. "We know it was selfish to keep such a thing to ourselves, but please understand we were desperate to protect our little girl." said Elizabeth. "I understand why you both did what you did. Fredrick and I would've done the same in your position, Von." said Freda gently holding her husband's hand. "But why didn't you at least write to us, Von? We could've raised Ruby for you instead of all this nonsense happening." said Fredrick. "I did write. On at least five occasions but I never heard back from you. I knew we were running out of time so we had to leave Ruby behind and hoped she survived. And my wife and I are forever in your debt for taking Ruby into your family." said Von turning his attention to Bob and Dottie and giving them a greatful smile. "Well, you certainly have a....charming little girl." said Bob. "I'm sorry we lied to you, Mom and Dad." said Tony bowing his head. "I'm sorry too, Uncle Fredrick, Aunt Freda." said Ruby sadly. "Well, I can't say your aunt and I are very pleased with your behavior, Ruby, DID give us part of our family back." said Fredrick looking over at Von. "So your not mad?" asked Ruby. "Oh no, we are QUITE furious with your little charade and going off on your own instead of informing us about it as well as us missing the comet because of it. But I suppose it's now in your parents hands to come up with a punishment for you if they decide to." said Fredrick." Well, this certainly is a lot to take in. Not to mention Ruby's birthday is practically ruined." said Dottie. "Are you kidding? This was the BEST and only birthday I've had in over three hundred years EVER!" cried Ruby happily. "Ruby, sweetheart, how can this be the best birthday ever? There's no party, no birthday cake, no presents. Nothing." said Bob. "Why would I need cake, useless gifts and a party when I got what a wanted all along! A BIG family!" said Ruby with a smile making everyone look at each other in surprise. "What Ruby is trying to say is she wants us all to live TOGETHER under one roof. Humans and vampires alike." said Tony with a smile. "Oh came we, momma? Can we Papa!?" asked Anna hopefully. "Yes, can we!? We haven't known Ruby for CENTURIES!" said Rudolph. "That is not our decision to make. Nor is it Ruby's." said Fredrick. "Come on, Mom, Dad, PLEASE!?" begged Tony. "Please please PLEAAAASE!?" begged Ruby. "Well....I guess we owe it to Ruby. What do you think, honey?" asked Bob turning to face his wife. "I'm not exactly sure how I feel sharing a roof with a bunch of vampires but....if we send Ruby to live with them, it would make Tony upset since he's grown rather close to her. And Ruby seems so attached to Tony. It just doesn't seem right to separate them or Ruby from her real family either even if they do drink blood." said Dottie. "Does that mean they can stay!?" asked Tony hopefully. "As they as they don't mind setting a few ground rules....I don't see why not." said Bob as Dottie nodded in agreement. "YES! Thank you thank you thank you!" said Ruby hugging her human parents. "Just let it be known, Ruby, there WILL be consequences for you and Tony after your little stunt today. But I think we can worry about that tomorrow." said Bob. "Man!" groaned Tony. "Aw, come on, Tony, don't be so upset! The night is still young!" said Ruby hugging her brother with a grin. And so began Ruby's new life with both her human and vampire lives and nothing could be better. She finally found a place where she belonged. She didn't have to worry about anyone trying to hurt her vampire family, she had her birth parents back. Absolutely NOTHING could go wrong. Or could there?                  


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