Chapter 2

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Ever since they got home from school, Ruby had gone straight up to her room and refused to come out. "Ruby, can we come in? It's Mommy and Daddy!" called Dottie through the door. "Yes!" called Ruby who was hanging upside down on her bed. For some reason, it always helped her think more clearly. "Hey, sweetie, we already told your brother but we figured we come and tell you too. We're going to a party at the McAshton Estate so you and your brother are going to have a babysitter. She's down stairs if you or your brother need anything, alright?" asked Dottie kneeling in front of her daughter while Bob adjusted his tie. "Alright, have fun." said Ruby. "You sure you don't want to talk about what happened at school today?" asked Dottie stroking Ruby's long hair. Ruby shook her head. "You two behave. Bed by 9, 10 at the latest." said Bob kissing his daughter's forehead before leaving the room. Ruby waited a few minutes before heaving a sigh and hopping off her bed and heading to her brother's room. When she got to her brother's room, she found the door was closed. "Tony, can I come in?!" called Ruby after knocking on the door. It was quiet before she heard shuffling and Tony opened the door. "Hey Ruby, I was just about to come and get you." said Tony. "Really?" asked Ruby entering her brother's room. "Yeah, I mean, you've been pretty upset since we got home from school so I figure we'd play the Vampire Game to cheer you up." said Tony. Ruby's eyes lit up. She LOVED playing that game with Tony. Basically, either she or Tony would be the vampire and "bite" the other person and then pretend to have adventures during the "night". "I call being the vampire!" said Ruby excitedly. "Fine, but only because you had a bad day." said Tony grabbing a cape out of his closet and tying it around Ruby's neck. "Did you get the 'blood?'" asked Ruby. "Right here!" said Tony holding up a bottle of ketchup. Ruby grinned before taking the paper cut out fangs Tony made and putting the pair under her top lip. "Ready?" asked Ruby though it sounded kinda funny with the paper in her mouth. "Ready!" said Tony.

 While the two siblings were playing their little game, neither one of them noticed an actual bat flying outside Tony's window. Ruby held out the cape and just for the fun of it, decided to chant a few of the words she heard during her weird daydream or whatever it was before "biting" Tony's neck catching the bat's interest. It quickly flew inside and dove into the old fire place. Tony saw it and quickly shot up gasping. "Hey, I didn't get to bite you yet!" pouted Ruby. "Shh!" hissed Tony. "What clan are you from, sister?" asked a voice from the fireplace. Ruby gulped and hid behind Tony who was probably about as terrified as she was. "W-who are you?" asked Tony keeping Ruby behind him. Ruby peeked out from behind Tony and saw a figure hiding in the old fire place baring a pair of pointy, white teeth. "She isn't a sister!" he hissed. "Well she's not a brother, that's my job!" said Tony. "She's a human! Both of you! And your full of blood!" he hissed. "Gonna keep it that way, dude!" said Tony grabbing Ruby's hand and running for the door which the figure quickly blocked. Ruby saw it was a boy older than her and Tony and he was literally on the door before falling off and hitting the door. "I think he's a vampire!" whispered Ruby looking at the boy. "No duh!" said Tony slowly approaching the boy. "Your not very good at blocking doors you know." said Ruby. "Maybe not, but I can still fly!" said the boy rushing past the siblings and leaping out the window hovering for a minute or two before falling. Ruby cringed as Tony ran to the window, looked out, and grabbed her hand before heading outside. "Are you OK?" asked Ruby as Tony knelt beside the boy. The boy shook his head. "A cow." he said. "If you want some milk...." began Tony. "No, not milk, a cow, hurry!" said the vampire. Tony and Ruby both looked to see a bright light. Ruby had to shield her eyes because the light hurt her eyes slightly. Tony and Ruby both lead the vampire to a barn full of cows. Ruby stayed and watched with interest while Tony walked away saying he was going to puke otherwise. Ruby turned her head and saw a truck covered in lights. Worst of all, Tony was in its path. "TONY!!!" shouted Ruby picking up her dress and running towards her brother. Tony began screaming out of fear while Ruby screamed in horror. "Shut your eyes!" yelled the boy grabbing both Tony and Ruby. 

"You can open you eyes now." came the vampire's voice. Both Tony and Ruby slowly opened there eyes and Ruby almost screamed. They were on a blimp. "Woah! Cool!" shouted Tony as Ruby clung to him. "Hey, thanks for saving me." said Tony. "Course, you saved my life so I saved yours." said the vampire. "My name's Tony and this is my little sister, Ruby. What's your name?" asked Tony. "Rudolph." replied the vampire. "Nice to meet you, Rudolph." said Tony. "So, what what are we going to do?" asked Ruby. "We play, obviously!" said Tony pulling Ruby up. "Yes, we play!" said Rudolph as the two began to jump up and down. Ruby shrugged and began bouncing with her brother and their new friend. "OUR BEST FRIEND'S A VAMPIRE!" cried Tony. After a while, Ruby sat back down. "How are we going to get down from here!?" she asked. "Same way we got up here, we fly." said Rudolph. "Flying?" asked Toy sounding unsure. "Relax, I got you up here, didn't I?" asked Rudolph holding out his hands. Ruby took one hand while Tony took the other. "Hold on tight!" said Rudolph lifting them into the air. Tony was whooping and cheering while Ruby was grinning ear to ear. "This is amazing!" yelled Ruby as they flew over the country. "Hey, Rudolph, do all vampires drink cows?" asked Tony. "We have to drink cows. The truth is we want to become human not eat them for dinner." said Rudolph. Ruby felt sorry for him. They then flew over a highway and Tony asked if Rudolph could hear the people in a certain car. "Man and a woman....both clearly yelling about something...." said Rudolph. "Oh no! Our parents! We're so dead if we don't get home before them!" cried Tony. Rudolph then flew them home and back in Tony's room. Tony and Ruby quickly got under Tony's covers and hugged each other pretending to be asleep just as their parents burst in the room. Relief washed over them as they saw their kids where safe and sound. "But....but I swear they were gone! I didn't see them and now I see them!" said the nanny in confusion. Bob lead the nanny out of the room while Dottie stroked each of her children's heads and taking Tony's glasses off. Dottie seemed to sniff the air smelling something unaware Rudolph was hiding the the corner of the ceiling near the door. She shrugged it off though before turning off the light and closing the door behind her.         

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