Chapter 4

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When Ruby got back, both Tony and Rudolph were waiting for her. "Come on, Ruby, before Mom and Dad wake up!" whispered Tony holding out his hand which Ruby grabbed. The three of them flew out of Tony's room until Rudolph landed them in a cemetery. "Do you live here?" asked Ruby sitting on a gravestone. "That's right. But I still can't understand why you've had the stone this entire time." said Rudolph. Ruby shrugged and began swinging her legs. "To tell you the truth, Rudolph, Ruby isn't actually my sister." said Tony. "She's not!?" cried Rudolph. "No, my parents adopted her after my dad found her in the cellar of our house the day we moved in." explained Tony. "Adopted?" asked Rudolph sounding out the word. "It means Ruby's real parents weren't around and she had no family to take care of her so my parents took on the role of raising her alongside me." said Tony. "I see. How old is she?" asked Rudolph. "I lost count." said Ruby sadly. "Ruby, your six!" said Tony trying not to roll his eyes. Ruby went to reply but all three of them quickly looked up to see two bats. "Oh no! My parents are here, Hide! Quickly!" said Rudolph ushering the siblings to hide. Both Tony and Ruby hid behind a couple gravestones. Ruby watched as Rudolph ran up to hug his parents. Ruby froze. The man Rudolph was hugging was the man she saw in her dream/vision. He was the one holding the stone! "Tony, stop breathing on me!" hissed Ruby as Rudolph went to hug a girl. "I'm not breathing on you!" whispered Tony. "Well someone is!" said Ruby turning her head and clamping a hand over her mouth to keep from screaming. A teenager with rainbow, spiky hair, and wearing a punk looking outfit was behind her. The teen took one look around Ruby's neck and hissed before lunging at her. Ruby yelped and ran out of hiding bumping into Rudolph. "Ruby!" yelled Tony running out of his own hiding spot. "Mortals!" hissed the male adult vampire. Ruby managed to run around them before hiding behind Tony. "Stay away!" yelled Ruby. "Ruby, I don't think now's the time to be saying stuff like that!" said Tony. "Father! Stop! Don't hurt the girl!" yelled Rudolph. "Give me one good reason why I should let them live!" hissed the vampire. "Because the girl's wearing the stone!" yelled Rudolph making everyone in the cemetery freeze. "What!?" questioned the male vampire moving Tony out of the way with ease. "Tony!" yelled Ruby backing away from the vampire. Ruby was backed against a gravestone with the vampire hovering over her. She swallowed hard. "Give me the stone and I'll let you live!" hissed the vampire dangerously. "NO!" yelled Ruby grabbing her necklace protectively. Her head was swimming as soon as she grasped it and Ruby groaned as another vision flashed in front of her. This time, she saw a woman. Like the blonde man, this woman's face was blurry but Ruby could see she had red hair. She was laying on a bed screaming in agony before the sound of a baby crying hit her ears. Another woman, possibly a nurse, Ruby really couldn't tell from the old looking clothing. The other woman handed the red haired woman a small bundle. "It's a girl, my lady." said the nurse. "A girl..." whispered the woman breathlessly as she smiled at the infant. "What will you call her, Lady McAshton?" asked the nurse. "Ruby. Ruby Sackville-bagg. She'll take her father's last name." said the woman with a tired smile. 

Ruby shook her head. That woman seemed so familiar yet she wasn't at the same time. She felt like she knew this woman and man personally but she didn't know why. "Sackville-bagg? What kind of last name is that?" asked Ruby scratching her head. "Did you say Sackville-bagg, Ruby?" asked Rudolph. "Yeah. I heard some woman say it just now. She just had a baby and said the child was going to take her father's last name. I feel like I know her but I don't at the same time." said Ruby with a frown. "Ew, don't go into details! I'm too young to know where babies come from!" groaned Tony. "I'm not!" yelled Ruby puffing out her cheeks. "Ruby, this man the woman mentioned....did she say his first name?!" asked Rudolph. Ruby shook her head. "Sorry, I couldn't see her face but I think I saw the man in another dream a few days ago. Like the woman I couldn't see his face but I can describe him to you!" said Ruby going into detail about her dream and everything she saw almost as if she were reliving it. She even described the man as best as she could since his face was nothing but a blur. She even mentioned the part where she was screaming the word "father" at the top of her lungs as the man jumped off the cliff though why she still didn't know. The adult female vampire watched Ruby thoughtfully. "That's impossible, how could you know such a thing!" hissed the male vampire. "Fredrick, I want to try something. I have a theory about this girl and I want to see if its right or not." she said softly. The male vampire, Fredrick, didn't seem like he liked the idea but stepped away from Ruby as the female vampire took his place. "Hello, dear." she said softly. "Are you going to attack me too?" asked Ruby. "Not at all dear. In fact, I want you to do something for me." she said softly. "Like what?" asked Ruby. "I want you to open your mouth. But before you do that, I want you to think of your favorite meal. Something that makes your mouth practically water as you think of it." said the female vampire. "OK....." said Ruby unsure. The small child thought for a minute or two before she had something in mind and slowly opened her mouth. "Wider, dear, and smile for me if you can." said the female vampire. Ruby did as she was told and she heard Tony, who was standing next to her, let out a small scream and heard him move backwards. Ruby blinked and tried to move her head to see what was wrong with her brother. "You can close your mouth now, dear." said the female vampire to which Ruby happily complied. "Tony, are you alright?" asked Ruby worriedly. "Uh huh!" said Tony grinning but the look in his eye told her otherwise. Ruby frowned as the female vampire pulled her husband aside. "Fredrick, are you thinking the same as I?" asked the female vampire looking back at the girl. "It cannot be though. Its impossible!" hissed Fredrick. "And yet look at all the signs. She has the stone just like he did, she has his hair even if its a bit brighter, she knows our last name when no one even told her. She has fangs like us even though she looks completely human, she even has his smile. Fredrick, I knew my brother very well and I truly believe this girl is his daughter." said the female vampire gently. "If this is true why wouldn't he tell us!?" hissed Fredrick. "I don't know why. But one thing I do know is this child may be the only thing left of him. I can feel it, Fredrick. She's our niece." said the female vampire kissing her husband's hand. "Alright, fine. I'll go along with it. But one false move and she'll know my wrath!" hissed Fredrick. "Patience, Fredrick, she's younger than Anna and may not even know who we are yet. Who she is yet." said the female vampire turning with grace and gliding back over to Ruby.         

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