Chapter 11

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Back at the grave with Ruby and Tony....

"OK, the chains are all hooked up and we managed to drill the hole above us even bigger than it was before. I think we're ready to start lifting. What do you say, Ruby?" asked Tony with a smile. "I say let's do this and get out of here before Rookery wakes up!" said Ruby. "Can't argue with you there. Come on!" said Tony grabbing his sister's hand as she flew them out of the crypt. "Alright, Tony, get ready!" said Ruby grabbing a shovel off the side of the truck and standing next to Rookery with it just in case. "Going up!" said Tony pressing a blinking light on the machine. There was a loud whirling and creaking sound as the chains were reeled back. "Slowly....slowly..." said Tony as the machine continued to pull Ruby's parents (who the siblings wrapped in the curtains they found upstairs to prevent their stone like bodies from being damaged) out of the hole. Rookery seemed to stir and Tony looked at Ruby frantically. Ruby lifted the shovel and swung as hard as she could tearing a cry of pain from the hunter who fell back to the ground unmoving. "Nice one, Ruby! You should consider playing baseball!" said Tony with a grin. "Baseball? What's that?" asked Ruby with a frown. "Nevermind, I'll tell you when we get home!" said Tony hitting another button to stop the machine. "Now how are we going to get them down!?" "I know!" said Ruby running over and pulled a few levers as the machine moved to the side and lowered the curtain wrapped bodies. "Alright! But wait....we don't know where we're going or how to get there!" cried Tony. "I know where to go but your right on getting there. Neither on of us can drive!" said Ruby hitting the side of the truck with the shovel in frustration. A compartment slid open at the impact and a man who was the cemetery keeper before Gregory bit him (unaware to the siblings) sat up grinning at the children with a pointy fanged smile. "Ruby....are you thinking what I'm thinking?" asked Tony looking at his sister. "Uh huh!" said Ruby looking back at the other vampire.

"So...your Ruby's biological family then." said Bob from behind the wheel as the vampires rode in the back. "On her Father's side yes..." said Fredrick. "Ruby never mentioned you guys before. She told us she didn't remember her real family." said Dottie. "We didn't exactly know she existed either. Uncle Von kept her a secret from us." said Gregory crossing his arms. "Gregory, don't talk about Uncle Von that way! It's not his fault!" said Rudolph. "He could have at least written us or something and you know it! Why did he want to keep her a secret so bad anyhow!?" snapped Gregory. "Gregory, you will not speak about your Uncle that way!" warned Fredrick. "LOOK! Up ahead!" said Anna pointing out the window. "Hey....that's that guy that was at work today. But where's his truck?" asked Bob leaning forward and squinting to see better in  car's headlights. 

"Heehaw!" screamed Tony as they drove at lightning speed towards the cliff. "Thanks again for agreeing to give us a ride, Mister!" said Ruby looking up at the older vampire with a smile. Yes, Ruby and Tony stole Rookery's truck with the help of the former cemetery keeper. But it was the only way they were going to make it in time. The vampire looked down and Ruby for a brief moment before patting her head. "How are Mommy and Daddy doing, Tony!?" asked Ruby. "So far so good! Good all taking all the lights off, Ruby!" said Tony sitting back inside the truck. "Thanks! Those things hurt my eyes even far away!" said Ruby. As you can guess, with the cemetery keeper's help, they unscrewed all the lights from the top of the truck and tied the vampire bodies to the top. And Ruby may have accidently/on purpose hit Rookery on the head with one of the lights as he began to come to again. "Hey look!" yelled Tony pointing up ahead. "The cliff from my dream! We're here!" cheered Ruby. The truck came to a halt and the cemetery keeper made his way to the top of the truck. "Here, I think you're going to need this." said Tony handing Ruby her necklace back. "Thank you, Tony, this is the best and only birthday I've ever had!" said Ruby hugging him tightly. "It's not over yet! You still gotta make your birthday wish." said Tony as the two vampire's bodies were carefully lowered onto the ground. Ruby smiled and helped to uncover her parents bodies before looking up at the comet. It was almost time. She knew it! "Hey, Ruby, if you want, I can talk to Mom and Dad when this is all over and see if they'll let your vampire family stay with us." said Tony. "They aren't my VAMPIRE family, Tony, I don't have two families. Just one REALLY big one!" said Ruby smiling at her brother. "I couldn't agree more! I think it's cool my sister's half vampire!" said Tony. "You're a pretty cool big brother too, Tony." said Ruby hugging him tightly. "I love you!" "I love you too, Ruby! No matter what, I'm still gonna be your big brother!" said Tony. "And I'll still be your little sister no matter what!" said Ruby pulling back with a grin. "Siblings for life!" said Tony. "For ETERNITY even!" laughed Ruby. "Even better! Now go on! You've got a birthday wish to make!" said Tony looking up to see the comet was about half way past the moon. Ruby looked up and gave her brother one more hug for good luck before running to the edge of the cliff. Ruby looked down at the stone in her hand and took a deep breath. 'Please work!' thought Ruby holding the stone in both hands and carefully recited the same words she remembered Uncle Fredrick saying in her dream. Ruby stood there for a few seconds before a bright light came down from the comet and connected with the red stone of Ruby's necklace. Ruby smiled and looked back at Tony who was grinning back. "Stone of Atom, that of which I've had since I was an infant, on this, the night of my birth, I have but one wish. I wish with all my heart to bring back the two souls who sacrificed their lives to protect me. I wish....I wish to bring my Mommy and Daddy back from the dead!"  Ruby thought about her real mother and father as she made her wish. She kept their faces clear in her mind as she wished. She wished with all her might that her parents could come back to her. "Ruby! It's working! Keep wishing!" yelled Tony as a dense fog came from no where and surrounded the two vampires. Ruby took a deep breath and closed her eyes thinking of her parent's love for her. They didn't give up on her and she WASN'T going to give up on them!    

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