Chapter 10

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Meanwhile, back at the Thompson residence, Bob had just arrived home and he was NOT happy. His face showed a combination of anger and worry as he ran into his house. "Dottie! Dottie we have a problem!" yelled Bob. "What is it? What's wrong!?" asked Dottie running to the door with streamers in her hands. "Tony and Ruby are missing! I can't find them anywhere!" said Bob. "Missing?! What do you mean missing!?" asked Dottie as worry set in for her two kids. "Exactly what I said! I took my eyes off them for a minute and when I turned back around they were gone!" said Bob unaware to the couple, five other people were listening below. 

"Oh dear, Ruby and Tony and missing!?" cried Anna. "Fredrick, what are we going to do? If Von ever knew I'd lost his only child....!" began Freda. "And he won't! Von's been gone for 300 hundred years!" said Fredrick. "How does a mortal easily lose a half blooded vampire anyway!?" asked Gregory. "I don't know. Must we must join to search for Ruby!" said Fredrick. "But Father, the comet's tonight and we've waited three CENTUIRES for this night!" said Gregory. "The comet doesn't matter! It will come around in another 300 years! Your cousin, on the other hand, cannot! Don't think about the comet Gregory, think about your cousin! Think about your Uncle! What would he think of you if you were to put your own needs in front of that of your family!?Especially when Ruby is all that's left of your Uncle Von!" said Fredrick angrily. "I agree with Father, if something bad were to happen to Ruby, Uncle Von would never forgive us if he were here." said Rudolph. "For Ruby!" cheered Anna. 

Meanwhile, Ruby and Tony were walking down the rocky pathway beneath the crypt of the McAshton Estate. "Hey! I see something up ahead!" called Tony from up ahead. "Is it another coffin!?" asked Ruby. "I think so!" called Tony. Ruby felt her chest swell as she continued down the path. It became hard for Ruby to move the closer she got to the coffin, but she pushed on until she and Tony were standing in front of it. Sure enough, it was another coffin. It was covered in chains and there was strange writing on the lock. "You thinking what I'm thinking, Ruby?" asked Tony as Ruby looked down at the coffin. "Yes, it's them! I know it!" she whispered. "Now to get these stupid chains off! Come on! Break, break!" yelled Tony pulling on the chains. But the chains refused to budge. "We need a miracle." sighed Tony as Ruby bowed her head. They came all this way and for what? Nothing. However, a miracle did occur, the ceiling above the coffin began to crumble until part of a metal drill could be found. Both Tony and Ruby looked at each other grinning before running for cover as the drill dug further and further into the earth until it hit the chains on the coffin. Ruby covered her eyes as the sparks began to fly from the drill hitting the chains until it went back up. "The chains are gone! YES!" shouted Tony as they ran over to the coffin and began taking the chains off. "Ready, Ruby?" asked Tony holding one side. "Ready!" said Ruby feeling excitement swell up within her. "You pull I'll push on three. One....two...THREE!" yelled Tony pushing the lid while Ruby pulled it with all her might. The two siblings were grunting and groaning but they managed to pull the lid free to reveal what was inside. There was a man and a woman both holding hands and the woman had a wooden stake in her ribcage. "Woah.." whispered Tony looking at Ruby who was crying. "Mommy.....Daddy...." she whispered. She could see BOTH their faces clearly. It was no longer a blur to her. "Don't worry, Ruby, we'll bring them back." said Tony hugging her tightly. "But how? How are we going to get them out of here? I'm guessing when I use the stone, they'll have to BE there!" said Ruby. "I might have an idea..." said Tony looking up to see a microphone in the hole the drill made. Ruby looked at her brother and grinned. Ruby took the stone off her neck and placed it in Tony's pocket before climbing on top of the coffin and closing her eyes concentrating as she held out her arms. Tony stood back with a smile as his sister turning into a bat after a quick flash of light. Ruby chattered before flying up through the hole. Rookery let out a startled noise as the bat flew up at of literally NOWHERE causing him to stagger backwards and hit his head on his truck. "OHHH!" moaned Rookery in pain as a compartment slid open banging his head once again causing the hunter to fall forward completely unconscious. Ruby began laughing as she turning back to normal and landed on her feet. If only her uncle could've seen her THAT time. Ruby looked at the truck and grinned when she saw a pulley system. "Hey, Tony! I've got an idea! Grab the chains and see if you can tie them around my parent's waists!" she yelled. "On it!" yelled Tony from below as both siblings got to work. 

Back at the Thompson house, Dottie was on the phone trying to contact the police to inform them about their missing children. While she was doing that, Bob had gone to answer the door because someone rang the doorbell. As soon as he answered the door, he stood there stunned while Freda was leaning on the doorframe. "I'm Freda Sackville-bagg." she introduced. "That's.....wonderful." said Bob. "Ruby's aunt." said Freda taking a few steps inside. "R-Ruby?" asked Bob. "Your daughter." said Freda. "We know who they are we want to know WHERE they...." Dottie stopped as she entered the room as her husband just as Fredrick appeared in the doorway. "We believe Ruby and Tony have gone in search for Von's grave in order for her to gain answers that have long since been kept from her." said Fredrick. "V-Von?" asked Dottie. "My brother. You see, my husband and I believe Ruby is our niece. A long time ago it would seem as though Von had to face a very difficult decision and was forced to hide Ruby here in your home, thus, leaving her behind." said Freda. "Naturally, when we heard of Ruby's disappearance, we rushed here to help." said Fredrick. "Uh huh...How bout it, Bob, wanna go grave digging with the kids?" asked Dottie. "Sure. Ah, our we supposed to be in costume like you guys?" "Costume?" asked Freda and Fredrick looking at each other. "Shakespearian aristocratic clothing." said Bob. "I do not wear the costume of an aristocrat. I AM an aristocratic." said Fredrick. "OK. Whatever!" said Bob with a smile still somewhat in a daze.           

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