Chapter 7

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"Yes." It replied in a gentle sounding man's voice. Ruby froze as she heard the voice. It was so familiar, yet foreign at the same time. "Whose there?" asked Ruby shakily getting to her feet wanting nothing more than to get out of there. The stone around Ruby's neck felt heavy as the area around her changed. She wasn't in the graveyard or close to it anymore. Instead, she was in a cave close to the shore line of some kind of body of water. It was pretty big and vast so it must have been an ocean. "Where am I? Hello!?" called Ruby hugging herself tightly as she took in her surroundings. It didn't feel like a dream this time. No, this felt VERY real. "Ruby?" asked a man's voice. Ruby spun her head towards the cave entrance as fear gripped her. The silhouette of a man was standing there. "Who are you?" she asked. "Come closer, Ruby, I won't bite you." he said holding out his hand. Ruby swallowed as she slowly walked towards the man. His clothes were old fashioned and they looked so familiar to Ruby. They looked exactly like the clothing the man in her first dream was wearing. The man she had shouted the word "Father" to. She could even faintly see that he had the same hair as the man too. "Daddy?" whispered Ruby as she slowly pieced together who she was seeing. "So, you do remember me after all." replied the man with a hint of a smile in his voice. Ruby felt herself becoming very emotional as she ran forward and jumped into his arms sobbing. "It's alright, Ruby, I'm here. Your alright." whispered Von rubbing her back. "Why? Why did you and Mommy abandon me? Didn't you love me?" sobbed Ruby into his shoulder. "Ruby, listen to me. I haven't much time but know this. Your mother and I loved you. However we were being chased by vampire hunters and we saw an old castle. Your mother and I thought it was the best place to hide you for the time being. We also thought it would be best if you had the stone. That way the hunters wouldn't be able to take it and condemn every vampire to damnation." explained Von grabbing both his daughters arms gently. "But I wanted to go with you guys. I wanted us to be a family! Uncle Fredrick said that now he and Aunt Freda know I exist, they have to pick up the mess you and Mommy made." said Ruby. "Ruby, your Uncle Fredrick may seem cruel, but he's very caring and loving and he cares about you." said Von. "But I want to learn about being a vampire from you and Mommy!" protested Ruby. "And you will, Ruby! You just need to wait for two more nights and I promise you, as long as your Uncle doesn't call forth the Clan or you don't give him the stone, we will be together again!" said Von. "What do you mean?" asked Ruby tilting her head. "Ruby, in two nights time, there will be a special comet. When that comet is paired with the stone that your mother and I left you, it can turn all vampires back into humans. However, there is a special instance that not even your uncle knows about. If the comet should appear the night of the wearer's birthday, it will grant them whatever they so desire. It may even bring the dead back to life." explained Von. "But what does that have to do with me?" asked Ruby. "Ruby, your birthday falls on the night of the comet's next appearance." said Von. "You mean I can wish for us to be a family again?!" asked Ruby brightly. "That's right, Ruby. But you mustn't tell anyone if you want your mother and I to come back to you! And you mustn't give up the stone, Ruby!" said Von. "But Uncle Fredrick and Gregory keep looking at it like they want to take it from me." said Ruby. "I know, Ruby, but you've done so well for the past 300 years keeping the stone safe and I'm VERY proud of you for that. Just hang in there for two more nights and I promise you, if all goes well, I'll speak with your uncle and cousin personally. Can you do that for us?" asked Von gently. Ruby nodded. "Promise we'll be together again?" asked Ruby. "I swear to you Ruby, as long as you keep the stone from your uncle and cousin, we'll be together again...." said Von as the cave began to fade. "We love you, Ruby, don't ever forget that....." 

Ruby bolted upright in the grass as she looked around. She was back near the cemetery where she was before. She looked down at the stone and gripped it tightly. "I won't let you down, Daddy, I promise." whispered Ruby. "Ruby!" yelled Tony as he, Rudolph, and Anna ran towards the small half blooded vampire. "Tony!" cheered Ruby running over and hugging him tightly. "Tony, Tony, I remembered!" "Remembered what?" asked Tony steadying himself from his sister's hyperactivity. "My birthday! Mommy asked me if I remembered anything about myself or where I came from and I said 'no' but now I remember!" cheered Ruby. "Well that's a relief. When is it?" asked Tony. "I don't remember the year but my birthday is in two days! I'm going to be seven! Or however old I actually am!" cheered Ruby jumping up and down. "Oh how lovely, we should celebrate with Ruby and the family that welcomed her into their home!" said Anna. "We can't though, Anna. Don't you remember? The comet's in two nights! If we miss this we'll be stuck as vampires for another 300 years!" said Rudolph. "Oh come now, Rudolph, we never even knew Ruby was around and we finally have a chance to get to know her. Furthermore, how do you know the comet won't erase Ruby from our memories. She'll just become lost to us all over again!" said Anna. "You guys should talk it over, meanwhile Ruby and I have to get home." said Tony. "I'll take you both home." said Rudolph. "I'm going too!" said Anna. "Oh, alright, Anna." sighed Rudolph. "Come on, Ruby, you can fly with me!" said Anna holding out her hand. "Sure." said Ruby grabbing onto Anna's hand as both vampire flew into the air and headed towards Ruby and Tony's home.     

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