Chapter 1

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It was a stormy night in Scotland. Thunder and lightning flashed across an old castle that was home to a family of four, a man named Bob Thompson, his wife Dottie, and their two kids, Tony and Ruby. Tony was eight years old while Ruby was only six. They had found the girl abandoned in the cellar of their new home and after some convincing from Dottie, the family welcomed the orphan girl into their family. Tony was more than excited to become a big brother and the two had immediately grown close with one another. Best friends even. Ruby was currently sleeping soundly when her bedroom door creeped open followed by the sound off pattering feet. "Ruby, you awake?" whispered Tony. "Other side." mumbled Ruby sleepily not opening her eyes. She knew her older brother suffered from nightmares ever since he moved here and their parents were tired of him constantly going into their room every time Tony had a bad dream so Ruby told her brother her room was always open whenever he needed it. "Thanks, sis." mumbled Tony crawling under his sister's blanket and hugging her from behind. Even though Ruby's room was by far the most terrifying room in the entire house, Tony always felt a sense of comfort whenever he was around his sister. To Tony, it felt like no matter what, his sister would always find away to scare away the monsters and any nightmares he had always seemed to disappear whenever Ruby was around. Looking at his sister sleeping form, Tony felt himself being lulled to sleep by the slow beating of his sister's heart. 

The next morning, Ruby woke up just as the Sun was rising and looking behind her to see her brother wasn't there anymore. Ruby figured her brother woke up early and went back to his room before their parents found out. Shrugging, Ruby hopped out of bed and got dressed before running to her dresser and pulling out an old looking necklace from her top drawer. She didn't know where the necklace had come from exactly or who gave it to her, but Ruby had had it for as long as she could remember. Almost like it had a special purpose behind it so Ruby always wore it except for when she went to bed. Hanging the necklace around her neck, Ruby opened her bedroom door and ran downstairs. "Morning, sweetie!" said Dottie who was sitting at the kitchen table with Tony while Bob made breakfast. "Morning, Mommy. Morning, Daddy. Morning, Tony!" said Ruby hugging each of her family members. "Morning, Princess. Sleep well?" asked Bob looking over his shoulder as Ruby sat at the table. "Uh huh!" said Ruby brightly. She knew her parents wouldn't want to hear that Tony slept in her room last night. Besides, she and Tony promised they wouldn't tell their parents no matter what. "You two excited for school today?" asked Bob. "Not really." said Tony slumping in his seat. "I am!" said Ruby. She'd never been to school before so today was her very first day. "Are Tony and I going to be in the same class?" asked Ruby. "Who knows, maybe, maybe not." said Dottie taking a sip a coffee. "And Tony, you look after your little sister today, you hear me?" asked Bob setting a plate of pancakes down. "I know, Dad, I will." said Tony reaching for the pancakes. 

On the way to school, Tony was sitting in the front seat while Ruby was sitting in the back looking out at the world in wonder. The castle was the only place she'd ever known she being able to see the world like this was amazing. Her eyes seemed to sting a little, but she ignored it. She was too excited to finally be free of the castle. "Tony, I know everything seems so new to you, new house, new school, new country, new little sister, but things are going to get better, I promise." said Dottie looking over at her son. Ruby turned her head to look at her mom and brother but froze when she saw someone driving right towards them. "MOM! YOUR ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD!" yelled Tony. "WOAH!" yelled Dottie swerving the car to the other side of the road as Ruby looked behind them to see the man yelled and waving his fist. "What did he say?" asked Dottie. "Everybody talks weird here." said Tony. "He said watch where your going and pay attention to the road." said Ruby. "Ruby, sweetie, how'd you know that?" asked Dottie. Ruby shrugged and went back to looking out the window. 

They arrived at school a short while later and Dottie grabbed Ruby's hand as she stepped out of the car. "Tony, I need to go check your sister into school, be good and I'll see you at home, OK?" asked Dottie quickly kissing her son's cheek. "K, Mom, love you." said Tony. "Love you too. Come on, Ruby, let's go find your classroom." said Dottie ushering her daughter towards the school. As it turned out, Ruby really WAS in the same class as her brother making her face light up when a woman lead her to the classroom. "Well now, you must be our new student." said the teacher in a thick Irish accent bending down so he was face to face with the little girl. Ruby nodded and looked around. Two kids were whispering and pointing at her laughing making her frown. She clearly wasn't very tall compared to classmates but was that really a reason to be laughing at her? "Class, I'd like you to meet our new student. Ruby Thompson." said the teacher. "Probably related to the creep wouldn't you say?" whispered one of the two boys making the other laugh. Ruby furrowed her brows but didn't get a chance to say anything. "Take a seat anywhere you want, dear and ask one of your new classmates to burrow their notes later." said the teacher going back over to the black board. Ruby looked around and smiled when she saw an empty seat next to her brother before quickly running over to him and giving him a quick hug before sitting down. "I'll give you my notes at lunch, K?" whispered Tony. Ruby nodded with a smile before frowning. "Tony, I need a pencil and piece of paper!" she whispered. "Here!" whispered Tony handing her a spare pencil and a notebook. "Thanks!" beamed Ruby opening the front page. Ruby looked back over to the teacher to see him drawing the moon with a comet passing over it. Ruby found herself tilting her head at the drawing as something washed over her. But she couldn't understand what. The drawing seemed to come to life right in front of her eyes. Ruby blinked and looked around to find she wasn't in her classroom, but on a cliff. She saw a large group standing on the edge of the cliff with a man of front chanting something. This couldn't be real could it? Ruby looked at one of them and found it was a man. He had blond hair like Ruby's except hers was much brighter than his. She felt connected to him and she didn't know why. He had old style clothing and pale skin but Ruby couldn't see his face. It was like a blur to her when everyone else's faces were clear. Suddenly, the man started running towards the edge of the cliff and jumped and Ruby found herself reaching her hand out as a word escaped her lips before she could even stop it. "FATHER!!!" she yelled as just jolted out of whatever that was seeing that everyone in her class was looking at her as though she'd lost it. Well, everyone but Tony. Ruby was shaking uncontrollably and she felt like she was going to fall out of her seat as tears welled in her eyes. Tony noticed something was wrong and jumped out of his seat to grab his sister to keep her steady. That's when Ruby lost it. She clung onto Tony and began sobbing. "Ruby, its OK." said Tony rubbing her back. Let's just say, both Ruby and Tony got sent home from school early that day.            

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