Chapter 5

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Ruby continued to try to get Tony to talk to her, but her brother kept moving away from her. Ruby frowned. What was wrong with him? She thought they were close with one another. Ruby went to go after Tony again when a hand rested on her shoulder making her jump. Ruby spun her head and saw the female vampire again. She seemed nice enough so Ruby decided to talk to her. "Why's Tony running away from me? Doesn't my big brother love me?" she asked tilting her head. The female vampire smiled gently at the little girl before kneeling in front of her. "What's your name, dear?" she asked. "Ruby." replied the little girl. "Ruby, that's a very lovely name. Do you know my name?" asked the woman. Ruby shook her head. "My name is Freda Sackville-bagg." she replied. "You have the same last name as that baby in my dream just now!" said Ruby whose eyes lit up. "Not a dream dear. A vision. And do you know why you had that vision?" asked Freda. Ruby shook her head again. "Ruby....that man that you mentioned, you were describing my brother, Von. He went missing over 300 years ago. In fact, you have some very similar features to my brother, Ruby." said Freda gently. "Is your brother my daddy? My real daddy?" asked Ruby slowly started to piece together what this woman was trying to tell her. She may have been a child, but she wasn't stupid. Freda nodded. "Yes, dear, I believe he is. With all my heart." she said. "Why'd he leave me all alone then?" asked Ruby feeling tears well up in her eyes. "Ruby, I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose." said Tony slowly moving towards his sister and wrapping his arms around her. Even though Ruby has secretly been a vampire this whole time, she was still Tony little sister. Ruby looked over at her brother and hugged him tightly holding back tears. "Mother, why are you telling this mortal about our family? Isn't that dangerous?" asked the vampire girl. "She's not entirely mortal, Anna, she's one of us as well. She has a little bit of both in her. Mortal and vampire." said Freda turning to her daughter. "What do you mean?" she asked tilting her head. "Your Mother believes the girl is your Uncle Von's daughter. Though I suppose that may explain why she has the stone." said Fredrick. "Uncle Von, having a child with a mortal? It's unheard of!" scuffed the teenaged vampire. "Tell that to the fangs in my sister's mouth, dude!" said Tony. "Fangs? What fangs?" asked Ruby tilting her head. "I'll show you when we get home, OK?" said Tony patting her back. "OK..." mumbled Ruby hugging Tony tightly. "Are you saying we have a mortal cousin?" asked the girl. "Half mortal, dear, half mortal." corrected Freda. "Now that Mother mentions it. Tony did say his father found Ruby locked in the basement of their home and they adopted her." said Rudolph. "What does 'adopted' mean, dear brother?" asked the girl vampire. "It means Ruby is Tony's sister but she wasn't always related to him, Anna. Tony's parents found her in their cellar and took her into their family because she had no one." explained Rudolph. "Oh how lovely! So we have a little cousin we never even knew of then!" exclaimed Anna. "That's right dear." said Freda gently. Meanwhile, the teen vampire was trying to seek close enough to Ruby. "Gregory, leave your cousin alone!" warned Fredrick. Ruby turned her head and let out a tiny scream holding onto Tony tighter as Tony backed up. "She is no cousin of mine! She has mortal blood flowing through her veins!" hissed Gregory. "I don't like him! He's scary!" whined Ruby hiding behind Tony. "And you think I think he's friendly!?" asked Tony. "Gregory, give it up! Mother knew Uncle Von better than any of us! If she really believes Ruby's our cousin, then she's our cousin!" said Rudolph. "I personally don't mind that our cousin's a daywalker. In fact, I'm almost envious of her." said Anna. "Is that good or bad?" whispered Ruby. "I have no idea." said Tony shaking his head. Ruby went to open to her mouth but was cut off by a man. "VAMPIRES!" he yelled loudly. All five vampires turned to face the man as Ruby hid behind Tony. "Whose he?" whispered Ruby. "Duh! He's a vampire hunter!" whispered Tony. "What's that?" asked Ruby. "Geez, Ruby, your Dad must've taught you SOMETHING about vampires!" groaned Tony. "I don't remember my real daddy though!" protested Ruby. "Ruby! Ruby, run!" yelled Rudolph who had retreated out of the hunter path. "Why?" asked Ruby. "Ruby, don't think, just run!" yelled Tony grabbing his sister's arm and started running. Ruby looked behind her to see Fredrick still in the hunter's path. And the hunter was holding up a big machine. "Tony, stop, he's going to get hurt!" yelled Ruby tugging on her brother's arm. "So you can get hurt? No way! Mom and Dad will KILL me if something happens to you!" said Tony. "But Tony, you heard the vampire lady! There my family! My real family! I can't let them get hurt! This is my chance to learn about my real parents! Who they were! Who I am!" begged Ruby. Tony wanted to groan but he knew she was right. Him and his parents had basically been left in the dark when it came to Ruby. And if this family could give him some insight as to who she was, then who was he to pass up the opportunity? Tony searched the ground and found what he was looking for. The cable for the machine. "Ruby, stay here and get ready to run!" warned Tony. Ruby nodded. Tony followed the able with his eyes and found the plug before sprinting over to it. "Do your worst, Hunter!" yelled Fredrick holding out his cape as if telling the hunter he actually wanted to be hit. "Get ready, Ruby!" yelled Tony before he unplugged the cable. The hunter fired the machine, but all that happened was a wooden stake had fallen out and landed on the ground. Both Fredrick and the hunter both looked at the stake before the hunter spun his head spotting Tony. "You!" he growled pulling out a light up cross. Tony shielded his eyes from the light. The cross wasn't really effecting Tony except making him go blind. As the hunter moved forward, Tony moved backward. "Get away from my big brother, you meanie!" yelled Ruby coming out of hiding. The hunter now spun his head in Ruby's direction while still pointing the cross at Tony. "So, there are two of you." he sneered. Then he spotted something shiny around the girl's neck. "The Stone!" he whispered gleefully. Ruby gulped. Maybe she should've run like Tony told her to do....    

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