Chapter 2

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   They found some herbs that Scarlett crushed into foils she made sure to carry with her after all this time. She handed them to Sherry who pocketed them and they went further in and she found ammo that she stored in her jacket pocket before they went into a door and Sherry pointed out a large set of doors that they could use to get out. Sherry commented that it was cold, and Scarlett shrugged before warning them that she felt men just before they repelled down through a hold in the ceiling. She didn't draw any of her weapons and just used her fist, feet, flexibility, and strength to take out six men before they could harm any of them. Jake and Sherry took out the remaining few with their guns.

"Damn woman, what secret organization taught you fight like that?" Jake asked after seeing her take down all six men easily. She just shrugged, it came naturally and according to Chris she had excelled in various forms of hand-to-hand combat before she was taken.

"Alright, Black widow don't tell me." Jake sassed and she rolled her eyes as they went for the large set of doors. When they touched it Scarlett's head snapped up to look at the hole in the ceiling and she warned them about the monster just before it came crashing through into the vast room they were in. She sighed in annoyance that her body still hadn't completely accepted the virus so her sensing ability was weaker, and she knew she wouldn't be able to force her expanded 6th sense into it's massive body yet.

They all split, the monster set it's sights on Scarlett when she shot it in the head with the pistol with her initials on it. She easily avoided it and ran at a normal person pace away from it, not wanting to expose her abilities to Jake just yet. She saw a hole in the lower part of one of the walls and dropped, sliding through easily and was on her feet before it crashed through the wall. Jake ended up getting it's attention and Sherry had him lead it toward her so that when it got close to and explosive barrel making it cry out in pain and stumble back while she and Jake ran a safe distance away and shot it. Scarlett was by their side at this point and they repeated their actions a few more times before the monster stumbled back into a pillar making it fall. The floor caved in below their feet and they fell, Sherry let out a scream as they fell and both she and Jake landed on their fronts while Scarlett landed on her feet and helped them up.

"I swear this mission gets harder by the minute. But at least you're still safe. We've got a lot riding on us, you too now Letta." Sherry said as she brushed the rubble and dust from her hair while Scarlett tied up her waist length locks in a better bun. The comment made Jake huff a laugh as they walked through the dark underground portion of the buildings basement.

"Three years ago I thought I was gonna die in the jungles of South America. Enemy had us surrounded, "Fore I knew it, everyone on my team was dead. And I'd lost my gun in the scramble. This bastard comes at me with a knife. Probably thought I wasn't even worth the bullet." Jake began telling them and it made Scarlett feel sorry for the man, not only because of who he was but what he seemed to have gone through, and Sherry questioned why he was telling them this.

"Dying on a blade is the last way you wanna go. It's a bitch. Mercs like me? We don't get a say in how we die. That's just how it goes." He said softly and glanced at Scarlett who passed him, she wanted to be in the front so she would sense something coming faster.

"It's kind of what you signed up for, isn't it?" Sherry asked curiously and Scarlett hummed in thought, thinking if she was going to be killed then it would be saving the people she cared about. That's why she always went into the dangerous situations they were in, if she could save them no matter the cost she would.

"Dying for money's one thing, that's my choice. But dying for no good reason? That doesn't sit right with me. So you wanna tell me what the big freaking behemoth was, and why he's trying to kill me?" He asked and Scarlett paused when she heard Sherry explain that it was like the men they were fighting, the J'avo, and that it was a bio-organic weapon created by the C-virus. When she mentioned Neo-Umbrella Scarlett gave her a sharp look, she hadn't known about that.

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