Chapter 5

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They ended up having to go through a door to the right after a statue had moved to open it and they found a bath house and had to kill a few more men. Scarlett handed the extra bullets she got off a man to Jake who refilled his pistol he had found before she went and plucked a coin out of one of the small fountains. She handed it to Sherry and the girl told them that they should be able to open the door on the other side of the statue.

  Scarlett groaned when one of the men she shot became a cocoon before a large lizard like creature came out of it and tried to spit acid at Sherry who was pulled out of the way by Jake while he and Scarlett killed the lizard and opened the door to the east. They went in and found a room full of technology and Sherry was able to use the phone she found in there to contact her superiors while Scarlett plugged hers into the computer and downloaded all of the files it held.

  Sherry told them that her people were already in China which seemed off to Scarlett but she followed them back out into the main room and toward the door out of the building. Unfortunately, a tank burst through the large wooden door and began trying to kill them as more men filed in and did the same. Scarlett yelled out in anger and began killing the men as Sherry and Jake went for a door to get out. She followed them after she had taken out a good amount of enemies and they fell through the floor as the tank came up behind them. It tried to run over them or shoot them but they got to a drop that led them to a door outside.

  The tank came through the wall after them and they ran up into a building where Jake pulled a lever to make a statue move. Sherry and Scarlett worked together to keep the men off him until he was able to get the tank to move the statue into a certain position and he was able to use the bar on it to swing across and get into another building. He yelled that he found a bike and that they just had to hold on for a moment. The girls took out the infected men and Jake used the bike to get back to them.

  "You two get out of here! I'll catch up with you later." Scarlett yelled as she forced Sherry onto the bike behind Jake as the tank turned toward them.

  "Don't die on us, I've grown fond of you Black Widow." Jake said giving he a smirk before he floored the motorcycle and was able to launch them over the tank away from her and it. His words made Scarlett laugh but she began moving, using her speed to turn and run the other way as the tank tried to kill her. She managed to hop over the wall and ran as fast as she could around the building and away from it. She spotted a car a few blocks away from where they had been held and broke into it and hot wired it before she pulled out her phone and began tracking the phone Sherry had taken from the facility. She drove quickly but was eventually forced off the road because J'avo on motorcycles began to chase her. She quickly turned a corner and droved into a parking garage before getting out of the car and waiting until the men passed before she decided to just run the rest of the way to where she knew she could intercept Sherry and Jake.

   She saw a large American plane crash and went in the same direction since it was the way she needed to go. She managed to get to the area quickly because it wasn't far from where she had left the car and when she got to the area she saw two people walking away from where she was hiding behind a large shipping crate. She noted that the man, from behind, looked and felt familiar. Her attention was drawn to the sound of footsteps and she looked over to see Jake and Sherry coming from a door to her left.

  "Leon?" She heard Sherry call out and was shocked when the man turned around and saw the young blonde. Her eyes widened and she ducked behind the crate so she wouldn't be seen yet.

  "Sherry? What are you doing here?" Leon asked confused upon seeing Sherry with a large man standing next to her. Scarlett smiled as she listened to him talk and watched them from behind her crate, it had been months since she had heard his voice, he stepped closer to Sherry when she mentioned that she worked for a man named Simmons. She moved before she thought about it and was in between Jake and Sherry and Leon in an instant. Jake had moved to protect Sherry thinking that Leon was going to harm her which he never would.

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