Chapter 7

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"You should have gone with them!" Chris yelled as he helped her up and the monster caused the platform they had been on fall as it climbed up slowly.

  "What and let you have all the fun?!" Scarlett joked back and they ran, sliding and jumping over fallen piece as the Haos caused the ones they left to fall.

  "You're crazy!" Piers yelled as the two followed him up toward the door, they talked to each other about how the missiles had just been a distraction and this thing had been Carla's real plan. Chris and Scarlett got onto another platform before the monster picked it up and Piers had to shoot it so that it slammed the thing down and they landed on the other one. They got up and ran into the door which was actually an elevator. As the doors closed and they went up they heard the monster roar in aggravation. When the door opened, they found themselves in a room with a hole in the center that water on the floor rushed through. Scarlett warned them it was coming, and they saw the Haos climb up through the hole and it began attacking them. Scarlett unloaded shotgun blasts into it as the other two shot at it as well. She tossed the shotgun away after she had went through all her ammo for it and pulled her pistol and fired. The monster eventually screamed and fell as the glass above them broke and water began filling the area.

  Scarlett swam toward a platform and was pulled form the water by Chris and followed by Piers. They took a moment to breath and she warned them that it wasn't dead as they went through the door and began going through the hall toward another section. She cried out when the monster slammed against the glass roof and they began climbing up the walkway to get through the closing door. The monsters hand broke through the roof and they had to shoot it to get past, this repeated a couple of times before they got to a door that had to be pried open and the monster hit the hall making Piers fall back and have to catch the floor and climb up as she and Chris held the lowering shudder up.

  "Hurry! We can't hold this forever!" Scarlett called down to Piers and he climbed faster. He got through just before they had to let go of the door and they all turned and pulled the other door open. They got through and had to run down more halls as the Haos burst through behind them. The water made them fall and they slid through a door that was lowering. The Haos managed to get its upper half through and Piers shoved Scarlett and Chris out of the way and was grabbed by his right arm by the monsters hand. The monster crushed his arm and Scarlett and Chris began shooting it making it throw Piers into a large metal shipping crate and his already damaged arm was impaled by a jagged piece of metal making him cry out. It picked up a crate and threw it which slammed into Piers arm as Scarlett and Chris cried out his name and went to rush to him only for the monster to smack Scarlett hard enough to send her flying through the air and into the wall where she crumpled to the ground. Chris was grabbed by it and it began trying to crush him. Scarlett was trying to climb to her feet but her left leg and right arm had been broken so she tried to just raise her gun to shoot it but her vision swam and she could feel blood running down the side of her face.

  Piers in the other hand forced himself forward ripping his damaged arm out of the metal mess and crawled toward the syringe on the ground. He managed to get to it and injected it into his right shoulder making him cry out in pain as the virus mutated his arm and blinded his right eye. His damaged arm became a long grey and purple appendage that sparked with electricity and Scarlett screamed as her bones healed and she forced herself up finally, taking one of the last two cubes to restore some of the energy, and began shooting at the monster while Piers shot electricity from his new appendage at the Haos. This made the creature let go of Chris who got up and rushed to the pair as the monsters lower half was severed from its body by the door.

  "Oh god, Piers what did you do?" Chris asked as a voice said they had to restore pressure regulation. Scarlett slid her left arm around Piers torso and helped him walk behind Chis toward the door and controls. The monster burst from the cocoon it had made itself and began attacking them. Piers shoved Scarlett away from him as he charge the electricity in his arm and shot it at the monster. Scarlett and Chris began to shoot at it until her pistol clicked empty and she put it away before unzipping her jacket and pulling both her magnums.

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