Chapter 11

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Scarlett let Leon ride the bike out of the lift as she followed behind, aiming her gun at the monster Arias had become. She saw Rebecca against the glass wall across the way, blocked by Arias who was holding Chris up so she and Leon couldn't shoot at him and now Leon who was speeding toward the monster making her curse at his recklessness.  Leon had turned the bike and made it fall onto it's side leaning him on the ground as the bike collided with Arias's legs making the man fall and let go of Chris who ran off through a side door, likely to go find the cure for Rebecca.

Scarlett yelled and activated her expanded 6th sense despite the drain her body had been through because of her blood being taken and her healing, she forced the part of herself into Arias as he picked up Leon. She yelled in pain as he fought her back and she was only able to slow him and weaken the force of when he threw Leon who hit the corner of the wall before falling to the floor. He didn't miss a beat though as he started shooting Arias as he laid on the ground and Scarlett fell to a knee as he was able to force her to break her hold on him.

  "Interesting..." Arias growled out as he had felt firsthand her power, albeit weakened, and she snarled and began shooting him from her position. Leon stood, reloading his pistol and tossed her another magazine so when hers ran out she could reload, while she forced herself to her feet as Arias stalked toward them. Arias got to the pair and tried to punch Leon who dove and rolled back up to his feet out of the way. Scarlett got batted back into the elevator doors denting them and she popped back up, cursing and leaning down to yank off the heels she was wearing, and fired into the monsters back as he went for her fiancé. She watched Leon rush toward the monster who tried to hit him once again only for Leon to slide beneath his legs, twice before he slid on his back away from the monster as he shot.

  Scarlett reloaded her gun and fired at the Arias's back once again as he tried to uppercut Leon. Leon however grabbed his hand on the up swing and was launched into the air, he shot at Arias's head as he started to come back down. He flipped when Arias tried to punch him as he fell, Leon's body landed on Arias's arm and he brought his foot down, kicking Arias in the head with his heel. He turned in the air and tried to shoot Arias as he fell again but kicked him making Leon launch toward the glass perimeter of the roof and Scarlett used her speed to rush toward him, grabbing his right wrist to keep him from falling from the roof as his left arm and leg shattered the glass and he dangled over the drop.

  "And you call me reckless!" She teased as she pulled him away from the glass while turning in her crouch to S=shoot at Arias who was stalking toward the pair again. Scarlett's gun clicked empty so she just tossed it and readied the knife she had taken from Leon who tried to keep her from trying to kill Arias with just a knife.

  "Just back me up babe, I can do this, you know I can." She said making him try to argue but she was already moving at top speed, Arias couldn't keep track of her as she zipped around him, to fast for his eyes to see, only stopping when she stabbed him in the legs and anywhere she could reach. Leon covered her stops by shooting Arias in the face and chest, they could see the weak point beating but couldn't pierce the outer shell that protected it. Scarlett leapt and jammed her knife in between the small openings in the shell making Arias scream in agony but he was able to grab a hold of her and sling her back, into the glass of the room that Rebecca was leaning against and pull the knife from his chest. She hit far enough away from Rebecca that the girl wasn't hit with shards of glass when the window shattered making Scarlett slam into the desk inside the room. Leon was then grabbed by Arias and the man lifted him up and allowed his claws to lengthen and held them toward Leon's face.

  Scarlett moved weakly to try and sit up but she had a large piece of glass in her chest. She was gasping as blood spilled from her mouth and it splattered when she coughed. She also had glass in her legs, arms and face that were causing blood to pool beneath where she sat against the desk but she ignored all of it and forced her power into Arias making his clawed arm still inches from her lovers face. She couldn't do much else since she was now even weaker than before and Arias knew it, he could feel that her connection holding him back was thin.

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