Chapter 9

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       The next morning Chris came and got Rebecca and Scarlett and drove them to an airfield where they boarded a helicopter. Scarlett listened to the people inside talk through the earpiece Chris had given her. She smiled at Rebecca who was sitting across from her and turned to look at the man beside her when Rebecca commented on him reading at a time like this. Scarlett hummed in thought when he said that it only took one bullet to take someone down but knowledge could defeat all evil.

"If knowledge was all it took than I'd have stopped running from people a long time ago." Scarlett said when he looked at her because of the noise she had made. He gave her a questioning look but she just smiled and waved her comment away, not wanting to get into that long story right then.

"Hey, is it true what they say? You switched from special ops to science geek and she is the woman who vanished all those years ago and is now working with us at the BSAA?" The woman beside Rebecca asked and Scarlett sighed but let Rebecca answer for the both of them.

"Man the BSAA is chalk full of people with weird resumes. I bet you both were pretty brainy to start with and Scarlett here must have had something special Umbrella wanted back then. Why's you switch and why did you come out of hiding after all these years?" The woman said looking between the two women she was talking to. Scarlett thought about how she was going to answer, clearly these guys knew who she was now since the BSAA had made her an official agent.

"Those are some stories. I used to be a medic in the S.T.A.R.S. Unit in Racoon City, Letta was actually the second in command for the Alpha team while I worked with the Bravo Team. I guess in a way I've always been interested in medical science. Then one day, I decided to make it my duty to stop people from abusing it. I thought 'Here are these corporations, run by scum, preying on the weak.' They're like a disease on humanity. I want to find a cure same as Chris and Scarlett. The difference is he uses his brawn while I use my brain. Letta on the other hand does both and puts herself in dangerous situations to save people all the time." Rebecca said, the last part of her speech was teasing Scarlett who rolled her eyes but agreed with Rebecca.

"So brains and brawn working together to save humanity with a woman who has it all and a major knack for getting into sticky situations. What do you think your chances are?" Damian, the man piloting the aircraft, said through the earpieces. Scarlett and Rebecca gave each other a look.

"What's that supposed to mean Damian?" Rebecca asked and Scarlett glanced at the front of the helicopter to look at his back.

"Nothing. It's just, like, what if this disease don't got no cure?" He asked and Scarlett took a deep breath while the man beside Scarlett said that the people they were after treated life and death like it was a game.

"Hey, I just realized D.C and Damian aren't talking about breaking bad for once." Chris said looking back at the group behind him, trying to end the conversation before it brought the whole mood down. It worked and they began talking about the show while Chris and Rebecca smiled at one another but Scarlett wasn't going to let it go so quickly, it seemed the other woman wasn't either when she looked at Scarlett.

"So what about you, why did you come out of hiding after all these years and decide to officially join and not just show up when your friends are in dangerous situations." The woman asked and Chris could be heard sighing through the earpieces.

"I was tired of letting the people who abducted me win by hiding. I want to live my life the same as the rest of you, and for the record half the time I just ended up in those situations like the others. I wanted to help people who don't deserve to be put through what I was and I knew I needed to finally face my fears and show the world I was not going down silently." Scarlett replied looking back at the woman before her gaze switched to Rebecca and then to Chris.

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