Chapter 3

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     Scarlett finally caught up to the pair and killed a man going for Jakes back. She noted that Sherry's jacket was torn in the back and knew the girl had gotten hurt. Claire had long ago told her that since Sherry had been infected by G by her father she had a healing ability similar to Scarlett. She had also gotten a hold of the files on Sherry's time in a government lab and knew that while she had a healing ability, Sherry's was far less powerful than hers.

"How the hell are you alive?" Jake asked when he caught sight of Scarlett and Sherry rushed to her and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Let's find a place to get out of the cold and then I'll tell you what you need to know." Scarlett replied, her tone told the man that she wasn't going to budge on the subject.

"We have to find the last data chip." Sherry said and Scarlett pulled the one she pocket up and handed it to the girl.

"Now that you have them all lets get out of this cold." Scarlett said and the pair nodded. Jake led them up a hill where he had seen a cabin earlier and they went inside. He started a fire in the small fireplace as the girls took seats on the ground and rested against the wall.

"Start talking Black Widow." Jake demanded as he sat in front of Scarlett. She sighed and then launched into the long tale of how she could heal, was stronger and faster than most and could sense infected. She left out her ability to control infected, and told him about how she was taken by Umbrella years ago and experimented on causing all of the things she could do and how she had very little memory of her life before it happened. He didn't ask her anymore questions when he saw how upset she was after telling him all of that.

"I'll go get help. It can't be that much further to the rendezvous." Sherry said after they had all been there for what seemed like hours, Jake tried to stop her from opening the door and caught the girl and forced the door shut when it almost knocked her down. Scarlett had fallen asleep a while ago but woke when she heard the door shut, she glanced at the pair but pretended to still be sleeping so they could talk. They were awkward at first but then Sherry began telling the man about her past and why she could heal like that and Scarlett was saddened by what the girl said. She was nearly brought to tears when Sherry said that she was grateful and looked up to Scarlett, Leon and Claire. She suddenly shot up when she felt men and by then Jake heard them and forced Sherry to the ground and covered her body with his while Scarlett laid flat on the floor as the infected men began shooting the cabin.

They began getting into the cabin and the three of them fought off the men until they had to run outside when there were too many inside. They saw that all of the gunfire had caused an avalanche and they rushed to the two snow mobiles, Scarlett ended up on the back of Jakes because he took the bigger one while Sherry took the small one. They raced away from the fast-moving snow, jumping over large cracks in the ice and eventually ended up in a cave. They had all been thrown off the vehicles and Scarlett got up first and helped the other two up, they both noticed the slight tremor in her hands but she waved it away saying it was because she didn't like small spaces.

They walked over ice that made loud noises before getting to a door where Scarlett warned them that she could feel the monster from before behind it. They went through and saw it standing on a large patch of ice and watched as it killed a man that came through another door who held a keycard they would probably need to get out of there. They also took note of the small flying bugs that would alert the monster and they waited for it to turn before Jake walked behind it and killed it. Scarlett let Jake take the lead and take care of the bugs as they walked softly through the area, she was still tired from the healing, but it was slowly getting better thanks to the cube she had eaten and the time she had slept in the cabin. They dropped down a short ledge to a new part of the area and Jake made them all hide in a large dumpster that was down there until the bug turned around so he could kill it. They went through a small tunnel that passed just by the monster before dropping down another ledge. Jake and Scarlett worked together to push a large dumpster filled with ice and old metal out of the way and a very big icicle fell from the ceiling and shattered on the ground, Scarlett and Jake hid behind the dumpster they had been pushing while Sherry hid against the wall from the way they came, and the monster came running toward the sound and paused looking around for what had created the laud noise.

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