Chapter 8

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  "Yes I'm with him now, once I'm done here I'm going to go and visit Rebecca, she called me a week ago and asked if I could come and visit. You about to leave the house to go on your mission?" Scarlett asked Leon, it had been a little over a year since she began living with him and they had become engaged. She glanced down at the ring on her ringer and smiled, Piers had been happy for her when she told him after it had happened. She had come back to her Island to check on his progress a month ago and Leon was going to be sent on a mission soon.

"Yeah, tell the kid I hope he's doing well. Keep yourself out of trouble Scar, I'll see you when we both get home, have fun with Rebecca. Love you Sweetheart." Leon said and she told him she loved him too before hanging up so he could get ready and so that she could finish her talk with Piers and Liam.

"I still can't believe you got engaged, S." Piers said with a smirk and Scarlett rolled her eyes but smiled as she played with her ring.

"Mhm, I can hardly believe it too. Anyway you gonna be ok for a while without me Liam? You ready to go Kiddo?" She asked the two men, she was going to let Piers use the apartment she still owned in Chicago where she was headed to see Rebecca. He wanted to leave the island finally but he still didn't want anyone to know aside from her and Leon that he was still alive.

"Yes Miss Midnight I can handle it, you have fun and congratulations again." Liam said wit a smile as he walked her and Piers to her private plane, she still had a ton of money far more than she and Leon needed especially with him working as a DSO agent and her new job decoding viruses for the BSAA. She had went back to using her real name and they had agreed that she wouldn't be subjected to experiments and she was a free woman to do as she pleased if she worked for them for a while.

"Thanks Liam, soon you'll be calling me Mrs. Kennedy, come on Piers." Scarlett said and they boarded the plane and got comfortable.

"You sure your ready for this Piers, if not you can get oof before we get in the air." Scarlett said still worrying over the young man, he was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and gloves to cover his metal arm and an eye patch over his new mechanical eye that they had made him so he could see. His arm was able to feel and he could use the small amount of electricity he still possessed.

"S, stop worrying I'm sure I'm ready. Now tell me about this job you got me." He replied and tried to ease her anxiety over him. She gave him a smile and began to tell him she had managed to land him a job at a small bookstore, it was different from what he used to do but he appreciated it. He also kept trying to refuse the debit card that she had gotten for him to link to her bank account, so he didn't have to worry about money. They talked the whole way to Chicago and she helped him settle in the two bedroom apartment before she gave him a hug and left to go meet Rebecca, she was going to be back later that night because she was going to be staying with him for the week before heading home after she was done with Rebecca and making sure he settled in ok.

"Ok, I'll be back later, if you need me call. Don't wait up." She said as she grabbed the keys to her old jeep that she had decided to give him, he had told her she could use it while she was there and he would just walk since his work was only a block away and he wanted to get a lay out of the area. She left and drove to the collage that Rebecca worked at in the labs. She flashed her ID to the receptionist and security guard and they went to go and get Rebecca for her.

"Letta! It's been so long, I was so happy when Chris and Jill told me you were alive and ok." The taller brunette girl said as she caught Scarlett in a tight hug and began leading her to the cafeteria so they could get lunch and talk.

"Yeah, It's good to see you too. Sorry if I say anything weird or can't remember what your talking about. I still don't have very many memories from before I was taken." Scarlett said sheepishly as they got some food and sat down.

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