Chapter 6

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  Scarlett awoke to Piers being attacked by an infected man and she tried to rise to her feet to help him but Chris had already taken the shot by the time she was able to make it to her knees. Chris grabbed her and helped her up and behind a wall so that she wouldn't get shot by a sniper as he told her and Piers to keep their heads down. She blinked rapidly to make the black spots in her vision go away and tended to the wound on Piers head from being thrown from the car. Once Chris had made sure the pair were alright he had Piers focus on taking out the snipers while he and Scarlett took out the men that were down there with them.

"So these are Neo-Umbrellas finest huh?" Piers said with a sneer as he took out one of the snipers before they made their way into a room that Scarlett found a first aid spray and stashed it in her pocket before accepting the bullets Chris was handing to her and refilled her pistol. She kind of regretted giving Leon her other one but she had kept the stronger one with Wesker's initials so she would be fine. That and she still had both magnums she had yet to use so they were full of ammo. She raised a brow when Piers handed her a shotgun he had found in the room along with a few extra shells.

"I already have my anti-material rifle and an assault rifle, I figured you could handle a shotgun." He said when he caught the expression on her face and she checked over the military grade shotgun, it was much better than the one she had lost years ago when she forgot to grab it from her apartment after some me after her had broken in.

"Yeah I can work with this." She told him with a grin, Chris rolled his eyes when he saw the surprised look Piers was giving the small woman because of the giddy expression on her face at having a new gun. Letta had always liked getting new 'toys' whenever the S.T.A.R.S funds allowed them to get new weapons. Piers was further surprised when Scarlett slipped it into her belt loop and repulled the pistol she carried as well as the knife on her thigh, it was the same one she had for years, and he finally saw the magnums beneath her see through jacket and wondered why this woman was so armed.

"Chris, have you had time to explain my situation to Kiddo here?" She asked as they went up the stairs in the room. Piers frowned at being called a kid again when the woman couldn't be older than him.

"Not really, Letta. You want to give him the run down or shall I?" Chris asked as they killed a few men and Scarlett quickly told Piers of who she really was, what had happened to her years ago and some of her abilities. He turned on her and raised his gun, he didn't like that she was infected and running free.

"I suggest you point that gun away from me Kiddo before I take it from you and hit you with it. I get that you're now worried I'll turn on you both but believe me when I say that I would rather let myself be tortured for another six months before I let anything happen to either of you or the rest of the world." Scarlett said lowly, the warning in her voice clear as she stared at him. His aim faltered for a second but he still had her in his sights.

"Yeah because people infected with a virus are still functioning humans. Have you seen what this shit des to people?" He questioned angrily and Chris stepped in front of Scarlett to block Piers from shooting her.

"She has more experience with these viruses and what they create than anyone else in this world. If you think I don't trust her with my life than you are wrong. Scarlett won't turn Piers, she's carried these infections in her blood far longer than you've been fighting them. What she said is true, her blood merges with them and they enhance her abilities and there is no possible way she could ever turn into one of those monsters. Lower your gun and focus on our mission Nivans, we don't have time for you to turn on the only person that can save our asses if it comes down to it." Chris said and Piers shook his head but lowered his gun and turned to lead them into a new part of the area. He still didn't see how she could still be human, but he made the decision to trust his captain. If Chris trusted her then he was going to have too as well.

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