Chapter 10

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    Leon and Chris turned to the sound of rapid footsteps as a man rushed into the bar and yelled Leon's name. Leon shot form his chair yelling the mans name and grabbing him as the man pleaded with him to listen. Leon slammed the other man against a support pillar and held him there with his forearm across the mans neck. Chris rushed to the pair and tried to get Leon to stop but he began to tell Chris that this man was the one who had sold out his unit and got his men killed. Chris flashed his badge to the waitress when she rushed to them and tried to stop what was going on. Leon punched the man hard in the stomach and the guy fell to the floor wheezing as Leon asked what he wanted.

"Please, you're the only one I know from the DSO. It's my family. You've got to save them." The man pleaded confusing both Leon and Chris as they stared down at him. He told them that a surviving members of Los Iluminados were paying an arms dealer to launch a large-scale bioterror attack and that he knew too much and they were going to kill him and his family. Chris bent down and yanked the man up by his shirt and began talking to Leon about how the man was going to lead them to Arias.

They yelled at the man for a moment before they heard a large truck stop in front of the bar through the large window at the front and saw men in all black gear hop out of the back and a very big man with a metal mask and gauntlets holding a minigun following. The man began shooting through the glass at them making Chris pull the man behind the pillar while Leon dropped to the floor behind an over turned table. Unfortunately the waitress was killed as bullets tore through the wooden room. Chris and Leon yelled over the sound until it stopped when the minigun ran out of ammo.

The man pleaded for Leon to save his family before dying because he had been shot. Leon cursed softly over the loss of another life and the waited until the shots stopped before peaking out to look at the men outside. They saw a tall blonde woman carrying Rebecca and dragging Scarlett before she placed them in the back of the truck and getting in with the men following and the truck drove away leaving them there and taking the girls as Chris and Leon yelled their names. They ran out the front and watched the truck drive away as Chris radioed his men to tell them that the girls had been taken and telling them to track them. He told Leon that he knew the big guy and that he was with Arias making him question what Arias wanted with the women.

"There goes my vacation, again." Leon said trying to joke and lessen his worry over Scarlett being taken, he knew she could handle herself but he was worried that Arias was going to hurt her. The dead mans phone in Leon's hand began ringing making them both look at it and Leon showed Chris that it was the mans wife before he answered it and listened to the woman talk. She began getting frantic when she didn't hear her husbands voice and he hung up not being able to tell the woman that her husband was dead. Chris told Leon that he needed his help again and they grabbed Rebecca's blood sample, the computer and kept the mans phone before rushing to board the helicopter and got in the air.

"If the trigger's airborne, it's harder to control where it goes or who gets it." Leon said after they had gotten into the air and went over the information from the laptop and the dead mans phone. He and Chris surmised that Arias was using a vaccine to control the spread of the outbreak and they combed through the information in front of them again.

Scarlett groaned as she forced her eyes open, the drug making her groggy, and she saw that she was in a strange room that was decorated like a wedding scene. She looked around and spotted Rebecca sleeping in an awkward position in a white wedding dress. She tried to move but found her hands were cuffed to the arms of her chair with thick metal cuffs and she frowned when she noticed that she had been changed into a short tight black dress with thin straps and a pair of black heels. She called out to Rebecca and tried to wake the girl up but it didn't work and she flinched away from one of the wooden boxes she had just realized were placed on either side of her began to move a little and she felt infected with in the small boxes. Rebecca awoke a few minutes later and frantically looked around as the boxes moved and growls were heard coming from them and her eyes found Scarlett who was trying to wiggle her chair forward.

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