Chapter 4

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   It had been around two months since they had all been taken to an unknown location and put in this facility. Scarlett awoke once again inside a lab, this time she was soaking wet and pinned to the floor with Fake Ada standing over her. She was gasping for air like a fish out of water and trying to struggle weakly against the man holding her down.

"Drowning won't kill you either. We left you in that tank for three hours and once your body was removed your heart started again and we had to watch the gross display of your lungs expelling the water inside them." Fake Ada said with a sick smile and turned to one of her men and told him to record the data. Scarlett had also been injected with the newer, stronger version of the C-virus a few days ago, it had a combination of her blood and Jakes inside it. Fake Ada motioned for the man to get Scarlett to her feet and they dragged her back to her room and tossed her onto the floor of the room before tossing a new set of clothes on the ground beside her.

"Clean yourself up, We'll be back in thirty minutes for the next test. I think you'll like this one." Fake Ada said before they locked Scarlett in her room. Scarlett took a few moments to breath before getting up and taking a shower to wash the blood from her body and warm it back up since she was freezing from the tank of water they had put her in. Once she was dressed she found that instead of the gown they typically made her wear they had given her a pair of scratchy white shorts and a white t-shirt. She ran a hand through her short wet hair, when Fake Ada had cut her head off it had cut chunks of her hair as well so the woman had kidnapped a hair dresser and forced her to cut Scarlett's hair because the uneven mess had bothered her. They had also found out that once her hair was cut the silver at the ends would come back, the ends of her hair just turned silver so now it was just above her shoulders. After the hairdresser had fixed the mess Fake Ada had killed her, telling Scarlett it was her fault that the innocent woman had to die.

True to her work Fake Ada came back with her men and forced Scarlett from the room and into a new, larger white room. She was there alone for about ten minutes before Jake was pushed through the door and it was locked behind him.

"You're alive, thank god." Scarlett said when she saw the man and he shrugged but they couldn't talk when Fake Ada's voice came over the intercom and began telling them that this test was going to pit the pair against one another.

"You're insane if you think I'm going to fight her lady!" Jake yelled and looked at Scarlett, he took note of her now short hair, the dark circles under her eyes and the frail look to her frame. He surmised that they had been hurting the small woman and barely feeding her.

"You don't have a choice. But if you need a motivator here, look through the window behind you." Fake Ada said and they both saw Sherry strapped to a table and a man using a stun baton to make her scream in pain and convulse.

"Stop! Let her go damn it!" Jake yelled as he beat on the glass and Scarlett's eyes turned red because of her own anger but she grabbed Jakes arm and forced him to look at her.

"Just fight me Jake, she'll stop hurting her if we do what she wants' I can take it, trust me." Scarlett said lowly and he could see the anger in her eyes. He sighed but nodded and she backed away from him to the other side of the room and raised her fists and dropped into ta loose fighting stance while he did the same.

"Good girl, now Jake dear don't hold back or poor Sherry will get punished for your mistake." Fake Ada said with a laugh and Scarlett nodded to Jake before they both launched at one another. Due to being underfeed and constantly harmed Scarlett couldn't use the speed she possessed and had to dodge and block Jakes powerful blows.

"Don't hesitate, I'll be fine." Scarlett hissed when Jake had knocked her to the ground but paused, not wanting to hurt her. She swept his legs out from under him and gave him an apologetic look when she straddled him and began punching him in the face. He managed to roll and pin her beneath him and hesitated to hit her again. She snarled when he did that and used her legs to throw him off of her and back away, blood dripping from her busted lip that was slowly healing. They fought for a while before he ended up throwing her into the wall and she landed in a heap before struggling to her feet.

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