15. forks and breadsticks

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this are my ideas tell me what you think

ree - selena gomez

adriana - olivia cooke

wendy - ariana grande (i picture wendy as a really girly and bubbly girl)

im having severe ruke or lee feelings man

not proofread

15. forks and breadsticks

Luke and Ree both exited the room to find Luke's four friends and Adriana all squished up on Luke's little couch.

"It took you exactly 26 minutes to get ready, my guess is that you did other stuff while getting ready." Ashton says after looking at his phone to check the time.

"Amba did say she heard kissing noises." Adriana wiggles her eyebrows and Ree rolls her eyes.

"We didn't kiss. We are not even together." Luke mumbles and looks around for his keys. Ree would like to say his words didn't affect her at all but she would be lying.

"Who's Amba?" Wendy and Ashton ask at the same time and they high  five mumbling something about couple telepathy.

"Amba is a friend of ours who recently moved back here from England." Adriana explains as they all get up from the couch and head to the door.

"Why didn't she come to have lunch with us?" Ree presses the elevator button as Wendy questions Adriana about Amba.

"She wasn't feeling really good." Ree says before Adriana can open her mouth to say anything else.

"That's shitty." Michael mumbles and they enter the elevator.

The small elevator can barely contain five people either way the seven of them got into the elevator. Since the elevator was clearly with too many people it shaked a bit as it reached the ground floor and Ree could see the fear in Addy's eyes since one of her biggest fears is to be stuck in a small elevator with too many people.

After probably five minutes of arguing to where they should have lunch (Michael desperately waned to go to Taco Bell but it was too far way and none of them felt like walking that much) they decided to go to a small restaurant a few streets down.

And after another ten minutes of walking they got to the restaurant and ordered.

As everybody else chatted about stuff that Ree really didn't care she looked out off the window. It was a sunny day but there were still some clouds in the sky and it would probably rain later.

"Wait, Addy, is that Amba?" Ree asks and Adriana stops talking to Calum to look to where Ree was pointing.

"That's Amba?!" Ashton exclaims and starts giggling right after.

Wendy also looks out the window and inspects the girl to try to find out why was Ashton laughing. "What's so funny about her?"

"A few months ago we were all watching The Victoria's Secret show-"

Adriana chokes on her water and looks at Ashton as if asking why the fuck were you watching the Victoria's Secret Show "-we wanted to, you know, look at lingerie for my girl." He stutters and Wendy nods and smiles.

"Of course, Ashton." Wendy says and kisses his cheek.

"Well, we were watching it and that girl was Michael's favourite." He finished and Michael looks up from his phone.

"What are you talking about?" He asks looking at all of them and Ashton points to the window. Michael stretches his head and when he sees Amba he falls of his chair.

They all start laughing and Ree looks at Amba again, but this time she's talking to a guy his back his turn to them so Ree can't see his face but when he turns his head to the side a bit she recognizes him.

"Addy," Ree whispers but Adriana is still laughing and Michael just sat back on his chair. "Addy, look." She repeats and Adriana looks at Amba again but her laugh stops when she sees the boy. "Grab a knife." Ree says and the both hop of the table and quickly walk to the door.

Just when they are about to get close to Amba, Ree looks at Addy's hand. "Adriana, is that a breadstick?" Adriana looks down at what she's holding. "I told you to grab a knife and you grabbed a breadstick?" Ree sighs.

"Sorry! It was the first thing I grabbed! You have a fork!" Adriana points at Ree's hand.

"What? No I d- Well, shit." Ree sighs.

"Ree! Don't swear!" Adriana slaps her arm.

"You swear all the time!" Ree slaps her back and looks at the window of the restaurant, the boys and Wendy are all glued to the glass trying to see the scene in front of them. "That doesn't matter! Do you think he'll hit us?" Ree whispers looking back at the guy talking to Amba, David.

"He hit Amba." Adriana mumbles. "I can take him though."

"Yeah, sure you can." Ree nods and pats her shoulder. "C'mon." Ree grabs Addy's arm and starts walking towards David and Amba.

"Well, hello," Adriana says and hides the breadstick behind her back, Ree does the same with the fork and smiles at David. "haven't seen in a while David, uh." Adriana punches his arm on may look like a playful way but in her mind she's murdering him.

David winces at Adriana's touch and returns de fake smile, "Yeah, I was walking down the street and saw Amba and then surprise Adriana and then Ree are also here. You are fuckin' everywhere, aren't you?"

"We are David, and you better walk the fuck way before this breadstick-" Adriana pulls out the breadstick and Ree shows the fork "and this fork go up your fucking ass." Adriana takes a step forward and David takes one step back.

He nods looking scared for a second. "It was nice seeing you three again." He mumbles and walks away.

"You too, David. It was lovely to see you." Adriana screams waving the breadstick in the air. "What did he fucking say to you?" Adriana asks turning to Amba.

"Nothing, I'm fine," Amba assures but Adriana and Ree stays silent looking at her. "I promise."

"Good, wanna' meet Michael now?" Adriana wiggles her eyebrows and points at the window; when Michael notices them watching he hides behind Luke. "Turns out he saw you at the Victoria's Secret Show and you were his favourite!"

"Really?" Amba whispers and her cheeks full of freckles get a bit red.


"What am I going to say though? Hey guys! Nice to meet you all. Michael do you wanna' fuck?" Amba rolls her eyes and laughs but the other two girls stay silent.

"I'm absolutely sure he'd say yes." Ree says with a serious face and the three girls start laughing hysterically.


Michael and Amba are otp tho


i always get happy when you guys comment because it gives me motivation to update faster

i love you all


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