25. i don't know

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not a really long chapter, but an important one. just realized i posted this chapter nearly a YEAR after the last one damn im sorry babes:( comment hard for more frequent updates til the end of summer break!

25. i don't know

The weeding tired the young couple for days, after the ceremony they came back tot heir shitty apartment building and tried to Sky to sleep but taking in account the amount of sugar she had eaten the small girl wasn't having any of it. It took Luke and Ree hours to tired the toddler, they ran around, watched TV, sang songs and all until she finally fell asleep on Ree's bed around 5am. 

The next day Luke dropped Skylar at her mom's place after promising he'd take her out again next weekend. He always did but the little girl was often afraid that one day he just stopped showing up and she'd have to stayed the whole time at her mother's house where no one seemed to pay her enough attention. 

He tapped his foot on the floor as he felt the elevator taking him up to their floor, he was planning how to tell Ree that he'd be touring America in just under two weeks. Luke would be gone for three months; however he wouldn't be touring all the time due to the occasional one week break. 5 Seconds of Summer were going to be the opening act to All Time Low, one of their favorite bands. Luke couldn't believe how good they were doing, this was their dream and at the moment, Luke's priority. 

The elevator came to a stop making a loud creaking noise, that thing was bound to break anytime soon and Luke just hoped he wasn't inside when it happened. 

He was just about to insert the key to open the door when it was flung open and almost scared him to death, "Jesus Christ, Ree. Where are you going?"

"Lunch with dad, I think there's some leftover in the fridge if you'd like. If not, just order something, yeah?" Ree rolled the car keys on her finger as she sent her boyfriend the prettiest smile he'd ever seen. 

"Yeah, I'll miss you though." Luke pouted and Ree rolled her eyes playfully before quickly pecking his lips and running to the elevator mumbling something about being late. 

The girl jogged to her car when the elevator doors opened, she smiled to herself when she heard that creaking noise Luke was so afraid of. 

Her father only had one hour of lunch time so they were meeting at a food truck outside his building and luckily it wasn't that far from where Ree lived or else she would have been even really late. 

"You're a bit late, hun." Her father scolded playfully and Ree rolled her eyes. He had already ordered their food and was sitting on a park bench waiting for her. The plastic tables in fornt of the food truck were already filled with hungry employees in suits from the several buildings around. 

"Sorry, old man. How are you?"

"If anything, you're the old man here." Ree laughed quietly and grabbed the kebab her father had ordered for her. 

"How's work?" 

"Hectic. Getting everything ready for the tour." The man sighed and sipped from the straw on his bottle of water. A grown man sipping water from a straw, it almost made Ree laughed.

"Who's touring?"

"You don't know?" Ree watched carefully as her father furrowed his eyebrows in confusion when she shook her head. "5SOS are touring America as an opening act in a week and a couple days."

Ree laughed loudly, that was impossible, her father was probably trying to prank her. Well, it wouldn't work, she knew that wasn't truth because Luke would've told her specially since it was just a week or so until the made up tour. "Nice try, father."

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