17. home

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this chapter makes me so fucking happy i hope it does the same to you 

ree is played by selena gomez, if you hate her or anyone else in the comment section i will block and report you :-) 

not spelled checked

17. home

Ree's soft voice echoed through the tiny apartment as she sang Strange Love by her favorite artist.

"We wrote a story in the fog on the windows that night, but the ending is the same every damn time."

Her fingers stop gliding through the piano when she was interrupted by her phone.

The tired girl looked at the screen and saw her boss' name across it, the last couple weeks Ree had been having some trouble falling asleep. She had no idea why, but her body felt like it wasn't connected to her mind. Her limbs were tired and her muscles felt like they were constantly on fire but her mind just didn't let her sleep. Ree found herself writing random songs on her old notebook, she had around five songs that were written at about six in the morning when her mind insisted in staying awake.

Due to not sleeping during the night, Ree didn't have any energy during the day so she was really close to getting fired. Once again, Ree decided to ignore the call and she made a mental note to go down to her work place the next day, if Alice decided to fire her Ree would have to find another job.

Amba and Adriana had just left from their sleepover, which basically consisted of talking until late and then two of the girls sleeping while Ree just wrote a bit more.

Ree and Luke still hung out every day but most days Luke would just come over and cuddle Ree to try and make her fall asleep. Some days she would fall asleep in the warmth of Luke's arms but other days it just didn't work.

But Ree's feelings for Luke kept getting crushed as some nights Luke would bring girls home and Ree could perfectly hear what they were doing. Every time it happened her heart cracked a little bit more, it's not like they were dating but friends don't act like they do.

The young girl sighed and looked at the clock placed above the piano, 3:14PM. She heard a few mumbles from coming from the other apartment and as she walked to her room the mumbles turned into angry and loud words.

"No mom, I can't! We were supposed to do it as every other weekend! In your place!" It sounded like Luke was talking on the phone and Ree felt rude for intruding but she was just in her room.

"I told you, I can't bring her here! My apartment is shit-No, mom! My couch almost falls apart when someone sits on it, and I can't take her out because it's too cold! She'll get sick!" Even though she knew it was rude, Ree was interested in the conversation happening on the other side of the wall, who was Luke talking about when he said she? Does he have a girlfriend? Ree quietly chuckled at the thought. The day Luke Hemmings would get a girlfriend and be in a serious relationship would be an amusing day.

"Mom, my daughter is gonna hate me if I bring her here!"

After Luke screamed those words Ree swore that if a pin dropped she would've been able to hear it.

Luke has a daughter.

Luke is a dad.

Ree's mouth was slightly open as she took in the new information and she wished she had just left her bedroom when she realized Luke was having a private conversation on the phone.

"Oh my God." She whispered to herself as Luke said some more words into the phone before hanging up.

Ree wasn't sure what to do, should she tell Luke she heard? Or keep her mouth shut and pretend nothing happen?

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