26. next week

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no one reads this anymore but OH well i'm still gonna finish it. just one or two chapters till the end btw.

26. next week

Amba hissed when the hot tea touched her tongue quietly cursing herself for not being careful enough, she watched as her best friend spoke on the phone. They were spending afternoon together, both of them had been so busy, Ree had her new job babysitting that wore her out more than she expected. 

"Yeah, she actually went to rehab right after you guys left, I visited a couple days ago, she's doing better." Ree told Calum who sighed worriedly. "Don't worry, Calum. Adriana is strong, this is just a bump in the road, she'll be fine."

"I hope so, I really care about her you know. I don't know if it's in a loving way anymore, I need to move on after all." He said feeling almost ashamed by his own words. 

"I feel you, do what's best for you bub." The girl smiled feeling happy for the man who was slowly pulling himself together after the heartbreak, after all that's what they were both doing. 

"How's Sky? Luke mentioned Amanda hired you to babysit, right?"

"She's doing great, she's smarter than the other kids." It was a bit of a struggle to babysit well, her ex's daughter, but Ree loved Skylar's company and even though it hurt because it reminded her so much of Luke she wanted to be there for the little girl who was neglected by her mother and cried everyday because she missed her dad. 

"He misses her so much, it's really taking a toll on him. He misses you too." 

"You guys will be home in a week, he'll get to spend time with her and we'll talk, I miss him. We just, gotta make it work better than last time, it wasn't good."

"We'll have a couple weeks off then we'll tour Aus, if you figure it out with him you should tag along. And Amba too, Michael's little crush hasn't gone away." Calum chuckled and Ree heard Luke in the background calling him to do something, she missed his voice.

"Yeah, sure. Now go do your important band stuff Mr. Hood." She joked and if it was possible she would have heard Calum roll his eyes. 

After saying their goodbyes Ree finally put the phone down and found that Amba was already half way through her tea while Ree's cup was still filled. 

"So, how's things with the guys?" Amba asked as she brushed a piece of her ginger her behind her ear.

"Like you wouldn't know, you text Michael all the time." 

Amba looked taken aback with her friend's words and her cheeks heated up quickly. "We're just friends."

"I never said you were more than that." Ree sipped her tea and tried her best not to laugh at her friends expression. 

"You implied it."

"Did not."

"What about you?" Amba said quickly making an effort to change the subject. "Any new men in your life?"

"I mean, there's this new dude working at Taco Bell, he's a new man and he's in my life since I spend most of it at Taco Bell."

The ginger head girl rolled her eyes at her friend's answer. "You know that's not what I'm saying. Are you still hung up on Luke?" 

"I think so, Amba. He texts me everyday, apologizing about what he said, but-maybe it was true you know, maybe he just wanted to fuck but he noticed I was too attached a-and that's why we never did it." Ree's insecurities took over once again, deep inside she knew Luke didn't meant a word but still a part of her kept nagging her that maybe just maybe it was the truth. 

"Ree, stop that, it's not true. He liked you, he really did."

"Then how come he's out there with a different girl every week and I'm here whining about it?" 

"It's just publicity! Calum told you, during three months he was only with one girl and regretted right after 'cause he couldn't stop thinking of you. Ree, the boy texts you everyday, you just said it." Amba pointed out what Calum had already said a million times but it still didn't stick with Ree. 

None of it made much sense, she wished she could turn back time, way before she told Luke to leave. She would like to turn back time to the moment it all started, to the moment Luke put a hole in her stupid wall, she would've liked to do things different; maybe know Luke a bit more before going into a relationship, sure, she knew a lot about him but it wasn't enough, Luke was comfortable telling her all. Ree was aware of his anger issues and the meds he took, for Luke, anger was really the only way he knew of expressing things so Ree never pressured her into communicating a lot because she was scared something would go wrong but she should've. That's why their relationship failed, lack of communication, it wasn't due to Luke's disorder it was due to the way Ree handled it, she had conviced herself that it was all Luke's fault for not talking but in reality it was both their fault. Ree's for not trying to help him do it and Luke for not putting enough effort into the relationship and taking Ree for granted thinking that she would be there forever regardless of how committed he was to the relationship.

"I don't know." Ree mumbled and mentally laughed at herself, she sounded just like Luke.

Just as she said those words her phone buzzed making a loud noise as it was resting on the coffee table, Ree grabbed it and noticed it was a new message from Luke.

from: luke

about to go to sleep. calum told me you were sky were doing alright, that's all i ever wanted. miss u

And as always, Ree didn't answer. She put set her phone back on the table and ignored the look Amba sent her. Ree wasn't ignoring Luke just because she felt like it, she just didn't want to solve things over text messages, she wanted to look him in the eyes when they talked.

"I think texts are not the way to solve this, Amba." She snapped but Amba couldn't help but agree. 

"You do you, hun. I just know you guys care about each other a lot but I just want to see you happy." 

Ree looked at one of her best friends and couldn't help but smile, she was so grateful for Amba, Ree was always there when Amba needed her and Amba was always there for her. It was such a pure and positive friendship that Ree couldn't help to think that Amba was a little angel and she understood why Michael Clifford himself was so infatuated with the freckle filled girl with the cute smile 

They spend the rest of the afternoon talking about everything and ended up leaving to have dinner and watch a movie when they came back to the apartment it was already late and Amba was quick to fall asleep on Ree's bed. Ree took her sleeping pills like the doctor she was now seeing had told her to do and grabbed her phone while she waited for the pills to do their thing. 

to: luke

i'll see you next week, luke. i miss you too.


hey yall hope ur doing good

arzaylea in luke's comment section tho yikes. i could never hate someone i don't know but i don't agree what she's doing, i'm aware none of the 5sos boys are perfect lmao and iss none of our business what goes on in their personal lives.girlie needs to pull herself together and discuss that stuff with luke, not the world plus she brought my girl crystal into this mess. smh. (any hate towards arz or crystal will be deleted thank u very much, nothing but positivity here) but hey the poems she writes are actually quite good. i like 'em.

if i started a girlxgirl woke book would you read it? and would you prefer if it was a fanfic? of so, who should be the main character? i thought of halsey or rena idk man i might just do it with characters i develop and not a fanfic whatcha think 

love you, spread love with all the hate going on in the world. my heart goes out for barcelona and sierra leone, so much going on. 

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