5. strangers

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probably some typos, didn't check.

"Hello?" Ree says with an awful morning voice pressing the phone to her ear without checking the caller ID.

"Ree, I'm really sorry to wake you up this soon but I need your help today sweetie." Her dad says rushing his words.

"Sure." She rubs her eyes with her free hand.

"Can you please come to the record label, please? Today is a really busy day and my assistant is sick so I really need your help" Her father sighs clearly not happy that he is asking his daughter to work; Ree's father always said he doesn't want her working for him. He wants her to do somthing for herself and not work for him just because she feels like she needs to, and Ree is glad that her father thinks that way because she never wanted to work for him either.

"Sure just let me get dressed, I'll be there in twenty." She replies and they say their goodbyes.

She sits on her bed looking at her phone to check the time; 9:30AM. Ree gets up from her bed looking at her messy room, clothes are all over the place; if Ree still lived with her parents her mother would give her a speech about how having a messy room is not healthy. She walks to the closet taking a pair of denim jeans and a white muscle tank since it's a sunny day in Sydney.

She quickly puts her clothes on and walks to the bathroom to brush her hair and teeth and wash her face; she doesn't use makeup a lot but has nothing against people who do. Her skin is a bit tanned due to her mother's hispanic origins leaving her with dark eyes, long lashes and dark brown curly hair that she despises.

Ree walks out off the apartment and out off the building and unlocks her expensive car that her father insison giving her for her 18th birthday. She rarely uses it because she likes to walk and she also doesn't like to show off her car. Her father is the owner of a very very famous record label so you can say that Ree's family is very wealthy. However she uses her own money that she saved, and works at an old supermarket to pay the bills.

Ree drives to the record label and parks the car close to the door.

"Ree! I'm glad you're here!" Ree's father, Matthew, walks to her giving her a hug.

"Hi, dad." She smiles while hugging her dad, Ree was always closer fo her father than her mother, she loved them both very much but she just connects with her father.

"I'm relaly sorry to drag you out off the bed this early but as you see it's a really busy day." Matthew says looking around, the lady from the reception was talking on the phone whule furiously typing on her computer and people were walking fast through the building. "I have this band coming in twenty minutes to show me a demo, since they are like teenagers I think you can help me with that but first I want you to give some files to Lisa on the second floor and organize some paperwork, please?" He asks and Ree nods, Matthew walks to the front desk and takes a bunch of papers handing them to Ree. "Here, I bet you didn't get breakfast so after you hand that to Lisa go to that coffee shop at the end of the street and eat something. Forget about the paperwork you can do it later." Matthew takes money from his pocket and hands it to Ree.

"No dad, I have money." She says handin pg him the bill but he shakes his head.

"Don't be so stubborn! Can't your dad pay you breakfast?" He asks asks pretending to be hurt and Ree rolls her eyes. "C'mon hand those to Lisa and go eat something, be here in twenty so we can listen to the demo." He hurries her and Ree walks to the elevator pressing the button.

When the elevator doors open a few people exit and ree enters with a few more workers.

"You are Matthew's daughter, am I right?" A girl maybe with Ree's age asks and she nods. "He is always talking about you to his employees! He says you're very talented, a good singer and that you also play the piano." She continues and Ree blushes.

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