10. touch my neck and i'll touch yours

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im sorry for not updating in ages ive been a mess im sorry

10. touch my neck and i'll touch yours

"Ree? Please open up!" Luke shouts for the tenth time as he knocks on Ree's door.

"Sup, chicken greased nipple?" She shouts opening up the door and giggling.

"Oh my god, are you drunk?" Luke asks and looks at Ree, she could barely keep herself up as she clinged to the door for her dear life, her hair was a mess and she smelled like vodka.

"What are you talking about, silly?!" She giggles playfully slapping Luke on the chest, "I'm not drunk at all." Ree lets go the door to prove Luke wrong and falls back.

"Oh my God, Luke! Are you okay? Let me help you up." She mumbles while rolling around on the floor.

"This is amusing." Luke chuckles and grabs Ree by the arm helping her up.

"What are you doing here, babe?" Ree giggles and wraps her arms around Luke's neck making his eyes widen.

"I-I came to give you a key for my apartment, I-you know sometimes I can get really crazy when I'm drunk and I tend to brake stuff or when I have-um anger attacks, that's how I made the hole in the wall." He stutters as he takes a key from his pocket handing it to the drunk girl.

"That's so sweet, Lukey!" She shouts startling him, "Imma keep it right here," She mumbles placing the key on her bra. "so I'll never forget where it is." She whisper right in front of his face.

"Did you just put my key on your bra?" He chuckles, "I don't know how this turns me on."

"You are always horny, Lucas." Ree says stumbling back but Luke grabs are wrist before she hits the ground.

"It's midnight, Ree. I came here to give you the key because I could hear you giggle and shouting song lyrics." Luke silently laughs and Ree giggles, again.

"Touch my neck, and I'll touch yours." She quietly sings, as her lips get closer to Luke's neck. "Can I touch your neck, Lukey?" Ree whispers, her lips barely brushing on Luke's neck and his eyes flutter close.

"I don't think that's appropriate, Ree." He struggles to say, but doesn't pushes her away.

"What are you? My dad?" Ree laughs and buries her head on his neck making him shiver. "Daddy." Ree whispers pulling back from his neck and leans in, their lips almost brushing.

"Oh my God." Luke groans.

"Daddy." Ree whispers again and laughs.

"I think that's enough for you today." Luke quickly composes himself and gently pushes Ree away.

"Lukey! Have a little fun!" She whines as he pushes her to her bedroom.

"C'mon Ree, it's sleep time." He says and gently pushes her to the matress, she falls back and giggles.

"Please stay with me, Daddy." Ree asks and Luke closes his eyes talimg a deep breathe.

"No, Ree. Tomorrow you will regret this. My key must be hurting you." Luke mumbles the last part and Ree smirks.

"Come get it." She says.

"Oh my God." Luke whispers rubbing his forehead and pushing the dirty thoughts invading his mind away. "You know what? I'm just going to leave, sleep tight."

"Luke, please stay." She whines and Luke notices small tears running down her face.

"Ree, love, why are you crying?" Luke asks knealing down besides her bed.

"I don't know, I just want you to stay." She mumbles and Luke ponders.

"Alright, just because I can't stand to see you cry." He smiles and gets up to turn the music off.

Luke takes his boots, skinny jeans and t-shirt off and gets under the covers with Ree.

"You know, Lukey, Amba is coming in two days, I'm excited. You must be excited too since you guys recently signed the contract." Ree mumbles tracing figures on Luke's bare chest making him shiver.

"Yeah, I am very excited." Luke says letting his eyes flutter close as Ree draws imaginary figures on his skin. "Go to sleep, Ree." He mumbles.

"Alright, night, Daddy."

drunk ree is my fav

you guys dont comment as much as you used to that makes me sad, am i doing something wrong? :-(

yo dudettes if you want to follow me on twittah @1975CTHOOD or instagram @acidcashton

shamless self promotion #noragrats

i love you all so much

-kourt the mcdonalds best worker

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