20. hospital and mr. tiger

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why do i always start a chapter with an apology?

helloo btw, if you could read straight that would make me very happy bc its my favorite book to write and im actually proud of it!! its  an alternative universe where everyone is basically gay and being straight is "forbidden" but pLOt twist calum is straight *gasps* ((ps there's side muke even tho im malum aS FUCK))

sorry, hope you like this. sorry of its not really good im a bit rusty!!

20. hospital and mr. tiger

Sky had been crying all damn night, Luke's head was about to explode while he rocked the small girl and tried to calm her down. The dad had no idea what was going on, yes, Sky used to cry a lot but only when she was a small baby. Now, Luke would rarely see the almost four year old cry this much.

"C'mon, Sky, shh. It's alright." Luke rocks the small girl in his arms but Sky continued sobbing against his shirt. Luke had no idea how Ree still hadn't come check on them but then he remembered about Ree's sleeping problems and that she was probably listening to music with her earphones. Even though they were "giving it a try" Ree still decided to sleep on the couch because, well, they should also take it slow and she doesn't want to give Sky the wrong idea.

Luke was about to cry himself when Ree opened the door to her own bedroom. "What's wrong?" Ree's voice is laced with worry as she looks at the sobbing girl.

"I-I don't know, she won't stop crying." Luke mumbles and wipes his daughter's tears.

Ree sighs and grabs the crying girl. "Hey, Sky." Ree also tries to rock the girl but the cries only get louder.

"I've tried everything, Ree! Just because you're holding it won't make her magically stop!" Luke rolls his eyes and tugs at the ends of his hair.

"Sorry for trying to help, I guess." The tired girl replies and runs her fingers through Sky's hair. "Maybe we should take her to the hospital, something could be really wrong."

"Oh my God, I'm scared." Luke was so close to losing it, his mind was all over the place and Sky's constant screams and cries weren't helping.

"Luke, calm down, let's just go and we'll see." If Ree wasn't holding a crying four year old she would have comforted Luke and hugged him.

The two teenagers got dressed as fast as they could and decided that there was no point in changing Sky from her pajamas. When they got in the car Luke went in the back with Skylar and Ree drove them to the hospital.


Luke's leg was bouncing up and down while he chewed on his nails, something he actually hated.

"Luke, please calm down, if it was something really bad we would've been informed by now." Ree says while placing her hand on this knee to stop his leg. The older boy sighed and grabbed her hand, his long fingers ran through her tattoo and up her arm and then back down, he repeated it over and over as a way to keep himself calm, sane even.

His lips were suddenly on hers and moving at a very slow pace, Luke needed this, he needed someone to keep in sane.

Twenty minutes had passed and Luke kept running his fingers through Ree's arm.

"Luke Hemmings?" A strong voice echoed through the waiting room and Luke quickly got up from the uncomfortable chair. "You are the father of Skylar Marie Hemmings, correct?" Luke quickly nodded at the doctor's words and the man's eyes scanned the clipboard he was holding. "Well, little Skylar happens to be allergic to peanuts, has she eaten any lately?"

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