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Annabeth didn't see Rory or Leo at breakfast the next day. Her brain went into overdrive trying to figure out why. When she tried asking around, either no-one knew, or no-one was willing to tell her.

By lunch she had grown so frustrated, that most of the younger campers stayed away from her. She spoke to Piper about how worried she was, but she couldn't offer any advice.

By dinner, her worry was making it almost impossible to stay focused on anything else. If she wanted to put her mind at ease so she could get a decent night's sleep, she would have to talk to Rory.

She knocked on the door and Rory answered. There was bruising around her neck and she looked tired.

"Holy shit, Rory. What happened? Are you okay?" Annabeth exclaimed. Rory just looked at her. She went inside and came back with a piece of paper and a pencil. She leant it on the wall and wrote something down.

1. Not sure. 2. Better. 3. Did we know each other?

Annabeth couldn't believe what she was seeing. "What?" Rory looked at the floor and then wrote something else.

I'm sorry. I feel like I know you, or at least should.

Annabeth felt tears pool in the corners of her eyes. "Rory I- what do you mean?" Before she could get answers Leo pushed his way in front of her. He took Rory by the shoulders and lead her inside.

He returned a few seconds later, alone. "Annabeth, we need to talk."

"Yeah, no shit."

Leo lead her away from the cabins and towards the edge of the woods.

"If Rory wanted to end whatever we were then she could have just said something." Leo pinched the bridge of his nose.

"She's not doing it on purpose! She doesn't remember anything!" he shouted. Annabeth couldn't find the words.

"Leo if this is a joke or if she put you up to this-"

"No no, of course this isn't a joke. She came back from the woods and her neck was bruised and she looked confused so I asked if she was okay and she tried talking but it hurt her throat so I took her to cabin nine so she would be able to write stuff down-" he paused to breathe. 

"And...she asked who I was. She didn't remember anything Annabeth. Yeah, you two were dating but Rory is my sister. She didn't even remember her own bloody name!"

The words echoed in Annabeth's head. She didn't remember. She didn't remember anything at all. A horrible, dark, heavy feeling settled on her chest.

"She...how? How did it happen?" Annabeth asked when she regained some composure. Leo only shook his head. Once again she felt trapped, like she was useless and couldn't do anything about it. In that moment, her instinct was to go to Percy.

Annabeth leant on the tree next to her. She couldn't get her thoughts straight. Everything felt jumbled and messy.

"I've already told Chiron and Mr D. They've got the Apollo kids checking on her every day," Leo said, calmer now. "She'll get better." Annabeth exploded.

"How can you say that!? How can you possibly know that she'll be alright? Leo, she doesn't remember anything!" Hot tears were streaming down her face.

Drawn by the commotion was Will and Nico. They looked between the two of them, trying to figure out what had happened.

"I told her about Rory," Leo explained sheepishly. Nico seemed confused.

"What happened to Rory?"

Leo told him what had happened, how Rory had woken up next to Annabeth in the woods with bruising around her throat, and how she didn't even remember her own name. He stayed silent until Leo was finished talking.


Annabeth sighed. "Does anyone else know?"

"Only the other healers."

Annabeth tried to compose herself. It would be fine. Everything would work out fine. The Apollo kids would take care of Rory and she would be back to normal in no time.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Percy and Jason walking over. Great.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Jason asked, sensing the somber mood. Leo sighed and looked at Annabeth, silently asking if he should tell them. She shook her head.

"Just trying to plan a surprise party for Chiron. We're gonna play horse themed music and give him nails of hay. What do you guys think?" Leo rattled off an excuse. Percy's eyes lit up, clearly thinking of many other ways to humiliate him.

Jason shook his head in disbelief. "One of these days, you guys are gonna take it just a little too far and get yourselves in a whole lot of trouble." He laughed and took Percy's hand. The smiled a goodbye and left.

Annabeth felt tired. Her bones ached and she wanted time to sit down and process everything she had learnt. Unfortunately that wouldn't happen.

An iris message came through. Reyna had tear streaks down her face. "It's Thalia. She went into one of those coma things. She had a fever and was shaking and really pale." She took a deep breath.

"A few of the other patients have woken up. But they haven't been the same. They barely sleep and none of them will say what happened." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "Could you ask Rory, maybe? Just if she knows anything that could help us."

"Rory lost her memories." Reyna's eyes widened. "As far as we know she had the accident, then she went into the coma and a week later she woke up. That's pretty much all we know."

"I'm sorry." Annabeth tried for a smile on sympathy.

"If she starts remembering anything I'll send an update." Reyna nodded. "Thalia will be ok. She's strong."

"Thank you for your help." The iris message faded from view.

*   *   *

Annabeth barely slept that night. Her worry for Rory and confusion at everything that had happened was overwhelming. It was worsened by the fact that she didn't have many people to talk to. Normally she would turn to Rory, Percy was an obvious no, Reyna was dealing with things at Camp Jupiter, and she didn't know if she was really allowed to tell anyone else.

She wondered why all this was happening. Why it seemed like everything was against any camper's happiness. First the war against Luke, then the war against Gaea and the giants, then Rory's memories, and now Thalia. It seemed as though there would always be a battle needing fought, a war to be won, some new enemy to conquer. 

When would it all end?

Very sorry for the long wait. I've had this part in the making for a while now and I hope it's okay. Have a goof day!

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