Reyna was pacing again. If Thalia were awake she would berate her for doing it, and claim that it was making her travel sick. Why hadn't she woken up? Why was she even in a coma in the first place?
So far she had heard no news from Camp Half Blood, and she was getting impatient.
Thalia was paler than usual, and her freckles were barely visible. Her breathing was shallow. The medics said that was still conscious, that it was even likely she could still hear things around her.
Frank and Hazel were practically running the camp; Reyna was constantly worried about Thalia. Everyday she would come into her room just to talk to her. Even if she couldn't hear her, Reyna needed to talk to her. It wasn't normal without her random facts of the day, without her.
Thalia let out another small groan. Every coma patient was doing it, like they were all having a bad dream. It felt awful, being so helpless.
She took her hand and continued with what she been saying. "Annabeth says Rory lost her memories. She might have been able to help, or at least tell us what's going on with you all." She sighed and rested her head on the bed.
"Please be okay."
* * *
Rory still hadn't remembered anything, but Chiron reassured her that these types of things always took time. Though the words were comforting, they did little to ease her nerves.
Annabeth and Leo had been pouring information at her nonstop in a hopes that it would trigger her memories. In fact, it did the opposite. It made her more and more confused about her life and who she was. They had told her she was a natural inventor; a gift from her father, Hepheastus. It was all starting to make her head hurt. None of it seemed plausible.
No matter how many times Annabeth explained it, Rory couldn't get her head around it.
She found herself pacing yet again. She was pretty sure that if she kept it up she would dig a groove into the floor of the bunker.
Occasionally she would speak with other campers, but she didn't tell them directly that she couldn't understand anything they were saying. Most of what they talked about were references to the wars they had fought in or something similar.
In her frustration, she kicked the leg of the table closest to her. She groaned in pain and clutched her foot. Something black and shiny caught her eye. Curious, she pulled it into the light.
It spanned roughly five feet in diameter and was made of what looked like black wool. Realisation dawned on her; it was a net. Large weights rested at six points around the edge. She reached put slowly with her hand to feel the material, to get a gage on what it was being made to do.
Pain shot through her arm the moment she made contact with it. It danced through her whole body. Her skins burnt like she was being dipped in acid. Her head exploded in agony. She screamed.
Images flashed through her mind. Smokey demons, her mother's body. Running through fields and parks. Then from monsters. A sword was in her hands. She was fighting for her life. Annabeth was dead at her feet. Then they were kissing seconds later.
Years and years of memories flooded through her mind, overcoming her with emotions that she never thought she could feel. Extreme grief, loss so big it made her physically hurt, the love she felt for her friends, her family.
Tears spilled and rolled over her cheeks. More memories kept comming. She gasped when they pain finally stopped. She was dimly aware that she was on the floor.
Adrenaline pumped through her, making her shakey. Stumbling, she stood and made her way to the door. She needed to find Annabeth. She needed to warn them before it was too late.
I know that this chapter is super short, like really really short, but I wanted to end it here for suspense reasons. Thank you all for being patient with me while this has been slow. Hope you all enjoy ur day/evening wherever you are!

Fragile Heart [Completed]
FanfictionAnnabeth is left heartbroken after the one person she trusts more than anything leaves her. Over time, will another love come? But even if it does, the dream she's getting is becoming increasingly more disturbing. Please correct my grammer/spelling...