Rory knew the fighting was going to start when a voice in her head screamed. No words, just one long, agony-filled cry. The other campers that she could see winced.
Everyone began making their way to to the best defendable positions. The Apollo children streamed past and began climbing the walls, bows and quivers on their backs.
Everyone knew what they were doing. They had gone over it several times to make sure that everything would go as smoothly as possible.
Rory could feel herself shaking, with both nerves and excitement. After hours of idle waiting she could finally do something. She could fight and finish whatever was going on once and for all.
She tried not to think of everything that could go wrong, or that she may never see any of her family ever again. She tried to keep her mind focused on the impending fight.
After what felt like only a few seconds, silence decended upon the camp. Every one was still, holding their breath, waiting. Nothing came.
Then, one of the sentries shouted in alarm. Rory couldn't see who it was, but she could tell that he was pale and shaking, as were many of the others stood on the wall.
Percy stood at the front of the charge, Jason, Leo and Piper by his side. "Get ready!" He called. This was it, everything would be decided now. If who she thought was on the other side of that wall, everything could fail.
Not moments later the sound of screaming filled the air. The traps had been triggered. Rory prayed to her father that the nets had worked and would kill whatever was comming their way.
The people on the wall drew their bows and aimed at somewhere in the distance. The same sentry that shouted the warning called out, "Fire!"
The air was filled with the twang of bows, and seconds later, screams. Rory felt her muscles tense as she prepared for them to breach the wall. The thought that this was it raced around her head. Part of her mind wandered to Annabeth. Where was she? Was she okay? What was she doing? But most importantly, was she safe?
All of a sudden, people began climbing down from the wall, shouting and calling for everyone to retreat. What had they seen? What was going on? Rory felt her heart beat faster in her chest until she was sure it either burst or just stop entirely.
The wall shuddered once, and the campers that were still climbing fell or jumped the last few feet to the floor. Panic welled in Rory's gut as the wall shook again. It wasn't going to hold.
Cracks began appearing along the metal. It shrieked and groaned with every hit. It wouldn't be long before the entire structure collapsed.
A few people began taking acutious steps back. "Move away!" Percy screamed. That was all anyone needed to send them into a sprint away from The wall. As they ran, peices of metal flew at them. Several people were hit, some didn't get back up.
Chaos had erupted. No matter how prepared they had been, they had already been over powered. Rory prayed that the Romans would arrive soon.
She caught sight of Annabeth sprinting towards her, a cut running along the side of her head. Rory took her arm and dragged her away from the fray.
"What happened? Are you alright?" Rory asked, brushing the hair out of the wound. Annabeth batted her hand away.
"Don't worry, I'm fine," she said. "How did did they break through the wall?"
"I don't know. There must have been a fault I over looked. We have to hold our ground, keep them out."
Annabeth looked thoughtful for a moment. "You keep saying 'they'. Who's attacking us? Rory what do you know?"
She swallowed the lump forming in her throat. "Akhyls, I think. That's who put me in the coma. The one who's going after the Romans, too." She rubbed her forhead with her spare hand and took a deep breath. They just had reorganise.
"Come on, we need to go help," Annabeth said taking her hand. Acting on instinct, Rory leaned in and kissed her.
"Let's go, smartass."
A/n: sorry this chapter took so long and that it's so short. The next one shouldn't take as long. Have a great day!

Fragile Heart [Completed]
FanfictionAnnabeth is left heartbroken after the one person she trusts more than anything leaves her. Over time, will another love come? But even if it does, the dream she's getting is becoming increasingly more disturbing. Please correct my grammer/spelling...