Annabeth woke with a jolt. Her back ached and her lungs stung when she breathed. She tried to move and gasped. Groaning, she returned to her previous position. Someone spoke above her. Will?
"Annabeth? Are you awake?" he asked.
Annabeth opened her eyes, wincing at the sudden brightness. Will had dark circles under his eyes, and he seemed exhausted.
"Oh, thank the gods, I was getting worried," he exclaimed. "How do you feel?"
Annabeth sighed. "Like I was hit by a truck. My back hurts and," she sucked in a breath, grimacing, "it hurts when I breath." Will managed a small smile.
"Sounds about right. You broke a rib when you fell, nearly punctured your lung." Annebth groaned.
Will's face grew suddenly solemn, like he was trying to work up the nerve to deliver bad news.
"What is it?" she asked. "What is it?" He looked to the ground. "Will, what happened after I fell? Where's Rory!?" Anxiety wrapped around her heart. She tried to sit but but pain exploded in her chest, forcing her down.
"Relax, Annabeth. Panicking will make it worse," he soothed.
"Please, tell me what happened."
"After you fell, the fighting kind of stopped. Rory was with you, she was so upset. Akhyls, that was who had attacked us, she came up to Rory and was taunting her about she couldn't save you. We all thought you were dead." He took a shakey breath before continuing. "So Rory stood up and...she started laughing. She took your sword and was attacking her - that was when Camp Jupiter showed up. She wouldn't let up. She just kept swinging until she caught Akhyls on the side. Before she fell or could retaliate, Rory grabbed her and whispered something to her. I don't know what it was. Then she stabbed her, right in the stomach."
Will swallowed and leant against the infirmary wall. He stared at the opposite wall for a moment more. "She came over and just laid down next to you."
Annabeth tried to absorb all the information. "So Rory, she killed Akhyls? She killed a God?" She felt sick. She felt sick and tired and she wanted to sleep. She wanted to see Rory, to let her know that she was okay.
"Can I see her?"
Will looked guilt. "No. Before you say anything," he said, shooting her a look, "it's not my choice. I'd let you see her if I could but..." he trailed off.
"What happned to her?" Annabeth's mind raced, comming to the worst case scenario immediately.
"She's with the Olympians, now. They're trying to decide how to punish her for what she did."
"What!? Punish her!?" Annabeth exclaimed, instantly regretting it when the pain flared in her chest. "She saved everyone here, they can't punish her!"
"She killed a God Annabeth! Technically there is no written law about not killing Gods, and Hepheastus is fighting her corner, but Zeus is mad. Really mad." Will pinched the bridge of his nose. "They're meeting again today to discuss it."
"I have to see them. I need to know she's okay! I have to help her, Will!"
"None of us have been allowed to see her. All we know is What Mr D has told us," he explained. Annabeth realised what that meant. Rory didn't even know if she was alive. Rory still thought she was dead.
"I have to see her, Gods be damned!"
"Alright, alright! I'll see what I can do. I'll talk to Mr D. Until then, there are some others who want to see you, too."
"How long have I been out?" Annabeth asked, fearing g the answer.
"Two days."
How could that have happened?

Fragile Heart [Completed]
FanfictionAnnabeth is left heartbroken after the one person she trusts more than anything leaves her. Over time, will another love come? But even if it does, the dream she's getting is becoming increasingly more disturbing. Please correct my grammer/spelling...