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No one dared speak. Zeus was shooting nervous glances around him. Artemis was stood next to Apollo, breathing deeply. Athena gripped the arms of her throne. Hepheastus glared.

"I'd say this calls for another vote," said Hera, voice cold. "Since so many of us seem to now be...questioning...our previous decisions." She scanned the room, one eyebrow raised, seemingly daring anyone to refuse.

"Fine," Zeus growled. "All those in favour of letting this Demi-God walk free, raise your hand."

Hepheastus, Artemis, Apollo, Dionysus, Hera, Hestia, Aphrodite and Hermes all raised their hands. Ares shrugged.

"I'm not particularly bothered as to what happens to her. Punish her, don't punish her, doesn't affect me, really," he said, leaning back in his chair. Hades and Demeter nodded their heads in agreement.

"No matter which way they vote, you're outnumbered, Zeus." Hepheastus stared him down.

"So you wish to let a criminal go free?" asked Poseidon. "She killed one of us!"

"You say this like you would punish your own sons," spat Aphrodite. "Please, let this go. She did what she had to in the moment. I know for certain that you have all done the same," she said pointedly.

Zeus knew that he could not stand against all ten of them. He bowed his head in defeat, and sighed. "Very well, then. You may go." He waved a hand in dismissal before standing from his seat and disappearing from sight. Poseidon followed suit.

Hepheastus was the first to move. He knelt down in front of his daughter and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Well done," he said quietly. He hugged her, and left in the same fashion as his father and uncle.

Apollo and Artemis both waved a goodbye, as did Dionysus, Demeter, Ares, Hermes, and Hades.

Aphrodite came to them next. She knelt in front of Annabeth and smiled, almost sadly. "I told you many years ago that I would make Percy Jackson's love life interesting. I'm almost certain you took that to mean I would give him lots of girlfriends and add in lots of drama to his life. What I really meant was that he would have interesting relationships and partners. I did not intend to cause you hurt, I simply wanted the two of you to fi d the right people." She stood and winked at Rory as she left the temple.

Lastly was Athena. She walked slowly over to the middle of the room, and simply watched the two girls for a minute.

"Is there something you'd like to say, mother?" Annabeth asked trying to keep her voice from shaking. She didn't intend for it come out so harsh, but Athena either didn't notice or didn't care.

"I always said that Jackson boy was trouble," she smirked. "I'm glad that you've found someone else."

"Thank you, mother."

Athena turned towards Rory. "It was foolish of you to stand up against Zeus when you had no idea if we would support you. Foolish, but brave." She bent over and whispered worthing in Rory's ear so that Annabeth couldn't hear. Rory nodded solemnly.

"I hope to see you again soon, daughter." Athena waved a hand, and suddenly they were in a forest.

Rory looked around and realised where they were with a sudden pang of nostalgia. She smiled at the memory.

"Where are we?" Annabeth asked, concerned.

Still smiling, Rory replied, "Where we first met, I think." Her smile vanished as she took Annabeth's hand. "I'm so sorry for dragging you into all of this."

"Rory, this wasn't your fault. You did what you had to, end of story." She kissed Rory's cheek. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"Thank you," she whispered. "For everything." Annabeth kissed her again.

"Let's go. We can celebrate with the rest of the camp."


Together they walked out of the woods, but Annabeth had one question her mind.

"What did my mother say to you?" she asked as they neared the dining pavilion.

Rory thought back to the conversation she'd had with Athena. She had said 'take care of her for me'. Why, Rory had no idea, but she knew she would uphold her promise.

"Nothing you need to worry about, Beth, it's all under control." Rory squeezed her hand in reassurance. "It's all over now."


Thank you all for reading, I hope you have a wonderful day/night!

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