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When Annabeth woke up, her head was pounding. She felt sick to her stomach and her tongue felt too big for her mouth. She rolled over and felt someone lying next to her. At first she thought it was Percy, but then the events of the previous night came flooding back. Closing her eyes she tried to piece together what had happened. She remembered the game of spin the bottle, being practically naked in front of everyone, Rory carrying her back to the cabin...the kiss. Though her memory was still patchy, she definatly remembered them kissing.

When she opened her eyes she was met with Rory's smug face looking down on her.

"Morning Smart-ass. Sleep well?" she teased. Annabeth groaned and buried her face in the pillow. No no no, she thought to herself. Please don't remember me kissing you. Rory laughed.

"I think you're still a little drunk. Might want to practice keeping your thoughts to yourself." Annabeth silently cursed herself, making sure she wasn't actually talking this time.

"Sorry," she mumbled. Rory chuckled but could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. Why did Annabeth have to remember? Why couldn't she just forget and they could continue with their relationship; spending time together while one fell head over heels for the other.

"Wakey wakey. Come on, up you get," Rory cooed trying to keep a straight face. "Don't make me sing the wake up song!" Annabeth laughed and looked up.

"The wake up song? What the Hades is a 'wake up song'?" she laughed. Rory sighed.

"Here it goes. Mmmmorning wakey wakey rise and shine!" She let out a small laugh. "Mmmmorning wakey wakey rise and shine!" Rory couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing. Annabeth moaned and covered her ears.

"What kind of song is that?" she groaned. Rory kept laughing until she was doubled over coughing.

"That," she said between gasps, "is a song that my mum would sing when I wouldn't wake up." Rory stopped smiling and a distant look came over her. Annabeth could tell that the subject was a sore one. Annabeth reached up and pulled Rory back down.

"Get Leo to tell Chiron we're unwell, then we can just sleep," Annabeth whispered.

"You'll have to let go of me if you want me to tell Leo. Unless you want me to shout for him?" Rory took a deep breath, but before she could do more Annabeth kicked her hard in the back and sent her tumbling off the bed. She ket out a yelp of surprise before walking away to find Leo. Annabeth laughed quietly to herself and re-buried her head in the pillow. After a moment or two she felt the bed sag beside her, indicating Rory's return. Without thinking, she moved closer to Rory, snuggling into her chest. She could heat Rory's breathing become quicker. Annaneth was too tired to think clearly or to notice the increase in Rory's heartbeat, instead deciding to fall asleep.

*   *   *

Rory panicked slightly when Annabeth moved closer to her. She was worried that Annabeth, being the smarty-pants she was, would ask questions, but her nerves were put to rest when the blond fell fast asleep. It wasn't long before she too fell into an uneasy sleep.

Rory's dream was different from the ones she had been having. This one was sending chills through her, and shudders down her spine. It was raining hard and the windows were rattling. She couldn't tell where she was. All she knew was that it was dark and cold. She started walking around trying to see where she could be.

Thunder cracked from outside. She saw a figure standing in the street. They were wearing a long cloak with hood draped over their eyes. Despite the distance between them she could hear its voice.

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