11. Secrets

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Everyone worried about the lasagna but you forget that Tony, Sam and Clint exist that they fought over whose having Bucky and Adelaide's plate. Sam lost from the both of them with Clint shooting a arrow up his ass and Tony pranking Tony saying that Redwing is his bestie and shows 'proof' from his 3D printered model 🙈


It's been a few days since me and Bucky had our kiss and I can't stop thinking about it. We haven't talked about it since that night and it's stressing me out.

Did he enjoy it?

Any regret?

Why are boys confusing?

Me and Bucky have been hanging out since then so I think everything is ok with it but I'm somehow nervous to bring it up and I get turned down.

I'm thinking of telling him tonight...

Me, Wanda and Natasha our in my room having a girl talk. Talking about anything that comes to our minds. When Wanda brings up the boy card.

"So Adelaide tell us what's this thing between you and Bucky?" Wanda said giving me the googly eyes which is making me cringe my nose at her comment.

"There's nothing to tell" I blurted shyly.

Mhmm came out of the two girls looking at me with an expression 'you lying and you know it' face.

"What I'm serious" I said twiddling with a strand of my hair before putting it before my ear.

"So your just not going to bring up the fact that you and Bucky kissed?"

"What...umm...what are you talking about? I...I didn't kiss Buck" I mumbled out quickly than imagined.

"Yes you certainly did it's written all over your face when you talk to him and the way he looks at you"

"Nat that doesn't mean anything we're just really good friends"

"Yeah 'friends' " Nat quotation with her two fingers. "Friends don't look at each other who wants to fuck each other"

"NATASHA" I shouted punching her in the arm as I huff folding my arms across my chest.

"You would tell us won't you, Addy if you did" Wanda asked moving closer to me with her eyes narrowing at me. "As you know I could read your mind right now"

"You wouldn't"

"I would" she smirked.

"If you don't tell us I'll go out there and go to Bucky on the spot and ask him if you and him fucked with your dad watching"

"Fine...fine I'll tell you but you have to keep it a secret if my father finds out" I whispered slightly.

Nat and Wanda turned to each other grinning at each other before looking my direction and at the same time they both replied "we promise"

T h i r d    p e r s o n   P O V

Meanwhile on the other side of the building in the lounge is we're the boys are Steve, Sam, Clint and Bucky. With Tony and pepper away to a meeting greet.

The men or should I say children phrasing to Sam and Bucky non stop arguing with each other as usual.

"Shut up you tin-man" Sam screeched.

"Who are you telling to shut up, mimi"

"What did I fucking tell you to stop calling me that, you dick" Sam groaned throwing the cushion in Bucky's direction but completely missed and hit Clint in the head letting out an 'hey watch it bird wings'

Sein Engel | Bucky Barnes  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now