22. Ultrasound

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Five days later

Me and Bucky made an appointment a day after finding out that I got an positive test and today is the day to see if the positive is actually a positive. I believe it's true as I took two more and they both came out the same as the first two.

One thing though my dad doesn't know...

Waiting in the waiting room was exhausting not knowing when your name is going to be called is so frustrating but at least I'm not doing it alone. I look over at Bucky who I see he was shaking a bit.

"Buck, are you ok" as I squeeze his hand a bit and he does the same and looks at me with a smile.

"Yeah hospitals just aren't my thing" I nodded my head and leaned in and kiss his cheek.

After another good ten minutes later while I flip through pages of the magazine and Bucky still little bit shaken up but strokes my head a bit when he is nervous and I don't mind it's nice and comforting.

"Adelaide Stark?" A voice called from the doors as she scans the room.

"Here" I said, taking my bag and placing it on my shoulders as Bucky walks along side me.

"Right this way. If you don't mind could you sanitise your hands." We both nodded our heads but Bucky only had to do one hand as I helped him put on the liquid on his hand I could tense he is nervous. I kissed his hand and reassured him it will be fine. He nodded and we both followed the doctor.

"You too are such a cute couple." The woman said in an awe voice like she is cooing a child.

I smile up at Bucky and he did the same with me "thank you" he hummed.

He didn't even deny that we are a couple. Are we one?

"Just prop up here and lift up your jacket for me please as well as lowering your sweatpants a bit." I did as she ask and hold on to Bucky's hand as she placed gel around my lower stomach.

It was really cold at first but came a little bit warm when she places the transducer probe on my stomach and starts to move about. She looked for a good minutes before she stumbled across a small heart beat. I smiled in awe and so did Bucky as he looks at the screen.

"Congratulations to you both, I see a healthy baby inside you. It looks like your a week or two weeks long but you won't be able to see the gender in ten more weeks depending on the angle of the genital tubercle." she smiled and I nodded.

She cleaned the gel of my stomach and headed over to the printer where she printed out some pictures of our unborn child.

"Here you go." She hands me the pictures and a note. "Hand that note to the person at the front and wait until she gives you a date to when to come again." I nodded and thanked her before leaving with Bucky beside my side.

We both walked out of the room when I opened the envelope and looked inside to pull out three pictures. I smiled in awe at my smol bean in the middle. Bucky appears to notice my excitement and hugs me while I lifted it up to his face so he could see as I'm small.

He took the picture and placed his finger over the small dot in the middle

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He took the picture and placed his finger over the small dot in the middle. I smiled so highly that I didn't even know we began walking again when I felt Bucky's hand intervene mine.

"Look at our smol bean, ah I want to hold it" Bucky chuckles as he opens the door we walked into and went to the desk.

"9 more months, Engel" he hummed.

"9 more months, Engel" he hummed

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