19. Hydra research

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Walking into my room I wandered over to the boxes under my bed, taking out papers after papers seeing all the research I have gathered over the years and mostly why I really left New York in the first place and maybe a little bit was about Peter for my absence but it was mostly about doing more research as I knew someone was following at the time and wanted to go out of the city for awhile.

Opening up my book where I write all my notes that can link to where or who these people were was right under my nose the whole time and I didn't even realise it.

Flicking through the pages until I stopped at the '2009' file.

A few years ago I found out my dad was doing research about trying to find out who supposedly killed my mother and when I asked about his research he told me he doesn't want me to get involved. Well fuck that.

I then began to do undercover CIA shit on my own research from the best of my knowledge throughout the years and how shields and my dad had taught me.

And I finally corrected it.

Even when my father stopped I kept going because I knew something was wrong about the whole thing nine years ago.

The 'H' symbol I knew I recognise it somewhere. It was a blur to me in 2009 but now my head is thinking straight and know that the same people that killed my mother is now the people she is working for.


But why would hydra want my mother?

She did say she was protecting me but from what? Them? Herself?

It probably makes sense because the man voice says 'I'll see you again, my little flower".  Maybe referencing that he will see me again and now that time has came now that he will find me. It's only a matter of time until he takes me.

Knock. Knock.

The door knocked from outside my room. "Hold on" I put all the papers back in the box and sliding it under the bed.

I jumped up and walked to the door, opening it slightly to see who it was.


He looked behind me before staring back into my eyes. "What's wrong?" He said crossing his arms.

Should I tell him? Maybe he can help or he will get anxious talking about that hydra wants me.

I'll tell him. I trust him.

I opened the door a little bit more looking left and right to see if anyone else is in the hallway. Before pulling Bucky inside my room.

"Not that I don't like getting pulled into your room. What's really wrong?" He smirked for a second before putting on a serious face.

"What I'm about to tell you can't leave this room or until I'm ready to say anything." He nods his head.

"Your not pregnant are you?" He asked in unison.

"What no! Uh...um.. what if i was?"  I questioned as I met his gaze.

He thought for a few seconds before putting on a smile. "As long as I'm with you and only you, one day I would love to have a family with you" he says as I go in 'aw' mode as he kisses me on my forehead.

"Well I'm not pregnant" I said. "Yet" I mumbled into my self but forgot how close he was staring and a big plastered shit eating grin grew on his face.

"Anyways what did you want to tell me?" Sitting at the edge of my bed.

"What I'm about to say. Affects my mother, me and possibly you." He raised his brow as I sit down beside him.

Sein Engel | Bucky Barnes  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now