44. Its you i want

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Lucent; (adj.) softly bright or radiant


Sitting here expressing my emotions what I've been keeping inside for so long, feels like a weight as been lifted off my shoulder, and I'm somehow free from sadness and changed into a different feeling. Freedom.

I feel everyone's stares on me as I look back up to meet there's. I could read different emotions on all of them except the twins there to busy playing with their cars to know what I'm talking about.

I turned to Bucky who was deep in thought but he give me a squeeze to my hand telling me that's he is listening still. I turned to my dad and pepper as peps tears up a bit but my dad is hard to read and I don't know why, he must of practice his emotions over the last two years but what I do know is that he is trying not to break down.

Everyone else was either worried or tears rolling down there face even Natasha. I can't remember when the last time she ever cried or even when did she cry? never

The whole room was silent and I didn't like it. I could hear heavy breathing and the sounds of the city outside. I felt sick to my stomach but didn't know what to do.

Out of no where my dad claps his hands together making me think he has some plan. Which may I add will probably end up having a party or do something has a family, and guess what...

1 hour later

Yep you guessed it, a party. My dad says and I quote from an hour ago 'we should have a proper party to let go for a night and to get things off our minds' mostly aimed at me but hey whose complaining I know I ain't.

Hearing the music thump louder each time as the ground shakes as everyone either dances or kissing in the corner. The red cups scattered all around the room with champagne glasses laying about with drunk ass people laying about as me and Bucky dance together but mostly me grinding on him as he sways my hips back and forth.

I only took one glass...I promise I did...ok maybe I took two or three.

But I didn't care I was living the moment as I sing to the song *bad romance by Lady gaga* as I rest my head on Bucky's chest still dancing to the beat. I was singing the song aloud but no one could hear except for the people closer to me which was Bucky and some people but didn't mind me singing they just listened to me sing. I know weird.

I turned around to face bucky face to face as he looks down at me with a smile on his face with his hands still on my hips. I look at his jet black hair falling down over his face sweating from the bodies rubbing against each other as a thought came into my mind.

"Have you ever considered putting your hair in a ponytail before?" I asked loud enough for him to hear as he rolls his eyes.

"Shut it Engel or your getting punished" he whispers against my ear as he trails down my ear to my neck with kisses.

"No, I'm being serious for once. I believe you would look very sexy with your hair push back, you know what I mean." I said wiggling my eyebrows as he stops  on what he was doing and looks back into my blue eyes.

"You just want to see what I look like with my hair in a ponytail, don't you" he shakes his head side to side as I giggle from the booze.

"Can you blame me metallic Bucket it would be hilarious" I giggled again making him grin for a second before realising what I said to him.

"Did you just call me metallic bucket?" I nodded with a big cherry smile. "What does it mean?" He says raising a brow.

"Metallic is for your arm and yes I know it's titanium but it can melt being metal plus for bucket your name is Bucky and your a bucket" I shrugged as I giggle again as he just stares at my drunk ass state, rolling his eyes before grinning.

Sein Engel | Bucky Barnes  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now